

New member
Hi all,

Not sure if this is the right place, but I'll ask anyway...

I was looking at buying a patchbay for my studio and came across the PX3000, looks good with switches so you don't have to flip.. but I don't really want a Buttringer in my studio if I can help it, you know?

Is there anything other then Beh and fairly cheap like it.


I have this Carvin PB48 that was cheap, and has been very serviceable:
Believe it or not ...... there are some decent Bedhringer products. I believe their patchbays are some of them.
Do you just not want the name anywhere in the building?
Believe it or not ...... there are some decent Bedhringer products. I believe their patchbays are some of them.
Do you just not want the name anywhere in the building?
I've had their stuff and it's nasty, noisey and starts to fall apart right away. The main one was this little UB802 mixer, which you'd think not much to go wrong right? The PSU input on the back was a hit and miss thing to if you got power, like some of the jacks for sound. I hadn't had it that long, I paid £45 for it, which I rarely have...

Switches just add one more point of failure... Bleah....
It's true, on that note, I was thinking of a Neutrik NYS SPP which is only £32!