Pat on the back (blatant bragging :)


New member
I just got nominated for best techno song at the JPF Awards show in L.A.
(Apparently a big deal according to the pic I saw of the venue)

No reason to post this other than I've had a few beers and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

Weird thing is... like usual... it's not one of those songs where you spent months writing it and working your butt off.
It's a tune I threw together in about 30 minutes just as a lark.

Why does that always happen??
You work for months on a tune... post it, and nobody says anything.
You spend a few minutes doing something half-assed, and it wins an award.


If anybody has any opinions, I'd love to hear em.
Like... is it really any good or did I just luck out?

Way to go guy! I get e-mails from JPF but have never really gotten involved with them. Sounds like I maybe should pay attention...