Pantyboy's Infamous Myspace Feedback Please


Yeah..........u kinda nice for real you got your own style and all but the quality of your gear sounds about the same as a $20 computer mic. But work with what you got until you save up for a little more because people won't listen to it hardly in there car if it don't at least sound clear and they damn sure won't on the radio cause its not clear. The more professional you have it sounding the more somebody else is willing to believe that you are serious about what you do.

but I still think thats pretty good
to be did on fruiy loops with a behringer b-1 mic
and desktop speakers
imagine what it woukld sound like if I did it
in a worldclass studio
we are homerecorders
and you have to atleast use what you got
I feel I get the feel of the music across enough to where
the quality only adds character to it where as you know I'm not no big time
nigga but I'm doing what i can with what i have
thanx for keeping it gully and pointimg that out tho'
but you have to also take into consideration its an mp3 the disc knocks hard in the whip crystal clear
also I make it sound old on purpose
I like it tosound retro like a tape
thats that real hip hop sound not that digital new age shit

btw where can i hear your music....?
maybe i can learn something or two......
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Not too bad given what you're working with. The vocals sound like I'm on one end of a hallowed hall and you're at the other and I'm catching the echo. I think that'll get better as you add to your arsenal gear wise. Lyrics are decent and you do have your own little style going on there and that's respectable because you're not carbon copying somebody else (but it does sound a small bit like Chingy).

Me personally, I think you're somewhat new to this, but now like brand new out the box. Give you about 6 - 8 months and shit will get revealed when you improve your game (not a diss at all). Stay on grind and make shit happen dogg.


I noticed a little nelly/chingy- ness on the way i held the ends of my words
in No Turning Back But the other Tracks dont sound like that
I guess thats a south thing when you try to put feeling into it some of us niggas end up with a whiny tail at the end of it but I kept it like that because thats how I really sound and people who know me know that when I yell my pitch goes up.
I used 100% reverb on my vocals to wash it into the mx as tho I am Not really trying to be a MC I just do production but there was no artist Down Here who could Do any of the tracks justice so I just freestyled on them myself so people could get the feel of how you should rap or sing on those types of beats.
I do feel however that if some one wanted to purchase one of those beats in a slit waves version they can clean it up however they want (which they usually do anyway) but my Job is to just get the beat made and cleaned up as best as i can. I'll never get any work did if I tried to do it ALL myself.

Thats what mixing/mastering engineers are for anyway.
I don't think anybody professional buys a track and uses it as is.
So theres no need for me to even try to work on a track for a whole week after its done, because I want it to sound pro.
I Just deliver the concept and beats to you ready for mixing.
Thats what i do, and I know what I can and can't do so I stay away from that other stuff ecause that ends up making it more work and less fun/creative for me, which in turns slows my drive for that day.
I have enough tools to MAKE the beats/ Just not to properly mix
so i do what I'm capable of and call it a day.

Props on the critiques fam.
btw that wasn't a rant but, alotta folks think I'm trying to rap when I'm just
on the beat so you can't steal my production and because niggas down here only rap about grills da trap dubs etc. and I don't support that kind of ish.
case in point of course its not gonna sound like a pro track no matter what i use cause I don't do that I just Make beats NOt mix & master etc.
