Panning with SX and Delta 1010 (gotta be user error)


New member
Hey All,

I'm having an interesting problem, I'm sure that it's user error and was hoping someone here can guide to a quick resolution.

background: I've been using cubase for a while (a couple years) with a simple soundcard. Recently I made the jump to a much better system in my opinion, now I'm running SX, a delta 1010 on a PIV 1.8Mhz, 768 RAM.

Here comes the problem, I'm using a Mackie 1604 (first 1-8 inputs) for the 1-8 inputs on the sound card (from the direct outs on the board). I'm using the 9-16 Channels to monitor the sound out of the delta and therefore cubase (cunnently just using BUS 1 in Cubase for the stereo output which is using the outputs 1 and 2 off the delta). Anyways, I can pan the signal that I'm monitoring with the mixer but not cubase.

If I try to pan in cubase, say from extreme left to extreme right the signal will just drop in volume as the pan progresses until it is gone completely. I'm not recording stereo files in cubase although I have tried, it dosen't change the problem.

Something that jumps out at me that is worth while to mention, what when I view the Delta control panel, the master only has one of the meters moving, the other is completely dead. At the same time the Wav out 1/2 show both left and right meters operating properly.

I'm doing some more investigation tonight into the whole situation and hopefully I can figure this out.

Please let me know if any of you guys have encountered this before or if you might have any ideas, thx

kevellus said:
I'm using the 9-16 Channels to monitor the sound out of the delta and therefore cubase (cunnently just using BUS 1 in Cubase for the stereo output which is using the outputs 1 and 2 off the delta). Anyways, I can pan the signal that I'm monitoring with the mixer but not cubase.

If I try to pan in cubase, say from extreme left to extreme right the signal will just drop in volume as the pan progresses until it is gone completely

Let me get this straight... you're trying to pan the master stereo out buss?? :confused: If so, why would you do that, if you're trying to create a stereo mix?

If you're talking about panning individual channels... are the channels each being routed to the master buss? If so, I'm not sure why that's happening...

But if you're routing each channel to a subgroup on the mixer, using the other three Cubase out busses, that wouldn't make sense either...

Just clarifying...

Hey Chad, thx for the feedback. I was right it was my own dumb ass. On the Channels 9-16 I didn't have the individual channels panned correctly on the mixer, I panned the left signal (eg Channel 9) hard left on the mixer and the right signal (eg channel 10) hard right on the mixer and this worked.

So now I can correctly assign subgroups in Cubase to individual stereo outs on the Delta and use the 8 1/4inch outs to route the signals to the mackie for monitoring.

Thanks again,
Speaking of pan, in Cubase SX pan for stereo channels doesn't work the same way it did in Cubase 5.1. You can't pan left side to right or vice versa.

I wrote a little free plug-in to alleviate this problem. You can download it here.