Panning Problems Sonar x1



I'm currently working on a collaborative project with a friend of mine overseas, but somewhere in the last couple of weeks I seem to have developed a problem with my output signal in Sonar x1, principally involving panning but which inevitably affects the whole outcome. Here point by point is how I came upon and tried -unsuccessfully - to work through the problem:

•Import lead riffs from co-musician and try to pan to right. No go, only silence, ostensibly because they have been recorded in the LH channel of a stereo input signal, and there is therefore nothing on the right to pan. Blame him, but think at this stage it will be easily solved.

•Convert track to mono, so that signal is firmly in center. But - nothing changes. The sound is audible only from the LH channel. It just gets quieter and quieter as I pan right, until it finally disappears altogether at 100%

•Bounce to track instead to create new track as mono. Ditto.

•Think it must be my output drivers, or master bus. Frig around with them until I see a herd of cows rounding the bend at the bottom of the street. They are by now not the only thing that is rounding the bend...

•I notice the master bus in the inspector window has an icon below it, which I haven't seen before. It is a square with two dots in it, one above the other, and the top one has a circle round it. I think this could be telling me that the master bus is set as a mono bus and there's my problem.

•Try different tracks on different projects - all have the same problem, even those that previously were definitely OK. In fact I find I cannot using RH panning now on any project, current or past.

•Try to find a way to set master bus to stereo. Cannot do it. Notice there is no Master Bus in the track window.

•Here's the weirdest bit: I then go back, starting to get worried, to previous projects that had once been OK, that had been submitted for my CD as .wav files. But even on those files the RH panning is barely audible and then only on the LH side. Horrified to think I hadn't noticed.

•In panic, play the CD that was burned from these same files. It sounds fine. RH panning is great.

Now what in Hell's Teeth do you make of that? It seems to me something has changed in Sonar x1 between my exporting of the original .wav files for the CD and now.... But what, I do not know...

Any input much appreciated. I'll post this also on the Mixing Forum. Thanks.

Hi again

I managed to find the problem. It was some kind of glitch in the AI mixer. It looked OK but I sort of 'reset' it anyway, and it seems to be working fine now.
