Panning different string articulations: how do you do it?

Dirk Diggler

New member
I'm working on a project that features several different articulations of cellos: sustained, staccato, tremolando, etc. with a dedicated track for each articulation.

My question is about panning these cellos: should the different tracks be panned to different places, to spread out the bandwidth?

Or should I pan all the cellos to pretty much the same place (as in an actual orchestra)?
I have done the same thing. I've kept them panned the same, because that's what would happen in real time . . . cellists would switch from technique to technique from where they sat. I would use other methods to expand the stereo picture, such as adding extra string parts.
I don't know if the answer is simple, I have recorded small string sections for Pop, Rock even Jazz, and it kind of depends what effect you want. One of the best results was recording the string section twice and panning each string section as they sat together and then paned each string section to each side, very interesting. I have also panned the strings so that they are all to one side (not fully).

However my usual go to thing is to slightly pan the strings so that there is a narrow spread, it's nice to give them some spread.

Since I've been using good orchestral samples, recorded in stereo, I very, very rarely ever shift the panning. it sounds the most realistic exactly as it plays. I fiddle with the stereo field before I mix, in terms of mic position and distance adjustments, but not width.
I've done quite a few instrumentals playing cello. I will only pan "harmony parts" away from the main cello as If I had another player sitting next to me. I sometimes play bass plucking the strings and mixing it with a bass guitar track panned center. Really depends on how much realism you actually want and if the parts are even possible to play on a single cello (in one pass). If it isn't possible there should be some panning. mark Funk Cello by mark alan skinner | Free Listening on SoundCloud
I've done quite a few instrumentals playing cello. I will only pan "harmony parts" away from the main cello as If I had another player sitting next to me. I sometimes play bass plucking the strings and mixing it with a bass guitar track panned center. Really depends on how much realism you actually want and if the parts are even possible to play on a single cello (in one pass). If it isn't possible there should be some panning. mark Funk Cello by mark alan skinner | Free Listening on SoundCloud

An novel and interesting use of cello . . . well done!
Thanks , I know this wasn't a good example of the music Dirk is mixing , but I wanted to show the narrow panning I use . I really should have put that link in the songs section instead of on this post. mark
Thanks for your input everyone, this has been very helpful.

I will pan the strings close together, per the consensus here.

P.S. Did Whome get banned again? I saw a post from him in this thread, but I don't see it anymore.