panning after converting MIDI to audio


New member
I am converting MIDI data to audio using the following components/settings:

- MIDI track output going through external source (keyboard)
- audio going from keyboard to Line-In on the Soundblaster Live!

My question has to do with the settings of the destination track. If I have the In field set to "Stereo", the resulting track is indeed a stereo track which sounds virtually identical to the MIDI track it was recorded from; however I cannot pan to the right. In other words if I pan full to the left on playback, the volume doesn't change in either stereo channel (the left is slightly louder to begin with) - but if I pan full to the right, the volume goes down to zero.

I can record using the left channel as the In (as opposed to stereo like above), and this allows me to pan wherever I want on playback, but the sound quality isn't quite as good - I guess that's because the sound is being forced into one channel when recording an then artifically split back into two channels for stereo effect? I'm not sure. Does my cable have anything to do with this (i.e., are there mono cables as opposed to stereo cables)?

I want the superior sound of recording in stereo without sacrificing my panning options - any advice would be appreciated.

When you are playing back the audio-track, are you shure your MIDI tracks aren't playing aswell?
A stereo track has already been mixed to stereo. You can't really pan it in the same way as you can a mono track, because it's not a single thing.

If you record it to stereo track, position it the way you want while it's still MIDI data, then just record the audio track and leave it the way it is.

Otherwise record it to a mono track and do your mixing from the recordede audio track.
Yeah, that's sure enough the wisest thing to do...

One question though...
If you record a stereo-track and then pan it hard left, would the original left track of the stereofile just play "dead left" and the right track of the stereofile play in center?

Bad english? I know, I know...
why not record it as two mono tracks instead of one stereo track.

when i am recording using sonar and a frontier design wavecenter card, i have the option of recording

adat 1:2 left & adat 1:2 right or adat 1:2 stereo

since wavecenter uses lightpipe my record channels are called ADAT even though i don't have an adat.

if you pan the two mono tracks hard left and hard right, you'll hear the same thing you had in midi.

If they're already in a stereo track and the pan is left alone, they are already like that, so I don't really see much point in converting them to two mono tracks if you're going to leave them alone.

If you want to control the placement, you still have the same problem -- you have the audio for that provides a stereo image there already. Panning both tracks in some way to make them together sound like the instrument is in a different position is not very easy, if even achievable.