Panels too thin?


New member
It seems 4" 703 panels are the norm from what I read on the forum. Would 2" panels for the walls and ceiling and 4" panels for the corners be okay? The thicker the better? But is it pointless to have 2" panels on the walls?
It seems 4" 703 panels are the norm from what I read on the forum. Would 2" panels for the walls and ceiling and 4" panels for the corners be okay? The thicker the better? But is it pointless to have 2" panels on the walls?

Absolutely not (meaning it is not pointless) = 2" with a 2" airspace is perfectly acceptable for first reflection points where your biggest concern is high-mid and high frequencies.

Plus - you still get some bang for your buck with additional LF attenuation.

While I am no expert, I made my wall panels 2in. and my bass traps were 4in.. This was done because of advise I got from here. I have not made any for the ceiling yet, but I think I'm going to make those 4in.. Mostly because I am sick to death of all the stapeling and I have about 24 panels of 2in. left that need to be used up. I've heard of guys using 6in. on the ceiling above the listening position, but I don't know if I will do that or not. I think the big thing is make sure you have an air gap behind the wall panels so the inso. is not tight against the wall.

Big Tom
Would 2" panels work at all for bass traps? Not worth it? I just wanted to get all the frames built and hung and then when I get more cash, get the other half of the 703 boards and slide them in for the bass traps.
2" for bass control isn't going to get it. On the reflections, you're just extending the low end control a bit. 4" solid will work better. 4" with a 2" gap, better yet.

If you mount it with a 2" gap behind it as Rod suggested, it will help a little. Just don't expect miracles below 150Hz.
