Pan Positions During Bouncing...


New member
I have an Akai DPS16. I recently purchased a CD burner and need to bounce Tracks 1-14 to Tracks 15 and 16.

The question is this...when bouncing, do I keep the "pan" settings at 12 0'clock on Tracks 15 and 16? I assume the answer is yes.

And when I then playback the stereo mixdown on Tracks 15 and 16, do I need to keep the pan pots in the 12 o'clock position, or can I move them to, say, 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, in order to get a greater stereo separation? If I do this, will the volume level of the stereo mix decrease?

Thanks for your help...BobO.
BobO said:

1) I have an Akai DPS16. I recently purchased a CD burner and need to bounce Tracks 1-14 to Tracks 15 and 16.

2) The question is this...when bouncing, do I keep the "pan" settings at 12 0'clock on Tracks 15 and 16? I assume the answer is yes.

3) And when I then playback the stereo mixdown on Tracks 15 and 16, do I need to keep the pan pots in the 12 o'clock position, or can I move them to, say, 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, in order to get a greater stereo separation? If I do this, will the volume level of the stereo mix decrease?

4) Thanks for your help...BobO.
1) OK. ;)

2) Yes.

3) Keep them at 12 o'clock.

4) You're welcome. :)
Actually you want the Pans on 15 and 16 hard left and right and the pans on the individual channels where you want them in the final mix.

This is assuming your doing a stereo sub mix.
3) And when I then playback the stereo mixdown on Tracks 15 and 16, do I need to keep the pan pots in the 12 o'clock position, or can I move them to, say, 9 o'clock and 3 o'clock, in order to get a greater stereo separation? If I do this, will the volume level of the stereo mix decrease?

I believe the stereo mix volume will decrease. I used a stereo expander plug in , it infact gave a very wide stereo field, but it lowered the volume of the overall track as well.

But, I agree with Spin keep the pan pots at 12 o'clock... If you don't want to lose volume, but move them hard left and hard right for a greater stereo field.

Actually Tex is right. IF 15 and 16 are your stereo mixdown, then 15 is the left channel and 16 is the right channel so they HAVE to be panned hard left on 15 and hard right on 16. If you leave them at twelve o'clock, then both channels are playing in both the left and right side so you end up with mono.

Also when bouncing you want to only listen to 15 and 16. Put the mixdown to those two tracks but only monitor 15 and 16.