paging billisa


New member
Bill, I'm not trying to bump up my thread, but you need to know that that Martha Stewart mp3 (it's on the board now, about 7 or 8 threads down) was a huge hit on the guitar TTT fprum I frequent, and I have you in part to thank. You may remember telling me to try the telephone preset to get that old time radio sound. I did, and boy is it perfect. It's in the second line of the song only, as is the case with the original "Honey Pie," and I hope you listen once before the thread gets buried. But answer here, if you don't mind, as I don't want to force the thread up again and into everybody's face.

Getting smarter slowly,

Hey Rob,

I was away at a conference all last week, so I'm just catching up. Very funny, well done song. Sounds great even through my PC speakers. What's your set up with the VF80? Mic? Guitar?

Hey Bill, yes, it's just me, 4 guitar tracks into a condenser (large), singing thru a dynamic (condensers capture TOO much of my voice!), and the bottom of a cocoa box for drumming, kid you not. Mikes go into a little blue presonus preamp that seems to help. I am starting to question the value of these low priced preamps over what comes on the machine. Of ocurse, I bought them in the first place because I couldn't get a signal strong enough.

Thanks for the listen. I owe you. As ever.

Hey bill, how is it you came to know of that telephone preset, and what made you think it would work? Why do you suppose they put it there? Who would want it besides me?
robjh22 said:
Hey bill, how is it you came to know of that telephone preset, and what made you think it would work? Why do you suppose they put it there? Who would want it besides me?

Well Rob, I am a former happy VF80 owner who moved on to the VF160. I used the telephone preset once to enhance a vocoding track I'd done. It's a neat eq preset to add to the range they included. I wish the VF160 had one, but it doesn't! You have to do it manually -- takes more time, maybe not as good.