Padding mic pre recording


New member

I use the rode nt5 when I record my hihat. The signal is clipping and moving the mic away changes the sound in a bad way. And unlike the nt55, my nt5 doesent have a -10db pad.

So my question is: what do I use to lower/pad the signal pre recording?


Depends. If you are clipping the preamp, yes turn down the gain on the preamp, but if you're clipping the capsule, you need to put the pad on the mic on.
If he's exceeding the max SPL of the capsule, no pad will help.

Turning the gain down is the first thing to do.
If it's at minimum, look for a pad on the interface/mic pre.
If there isn't one, choose a different mic or look for some inline pad options on line.
You can get them pretty cheap.
If you're handy, you could make one in a couple of minutes with a few resistors.
I just doubt that a High Hat is capable of clipping a I think it's probably the preamp gain.
Thank you Tim. I'm having the same problem myself trying to record any condenser mic into a tascam DP-24. Any drums, even overheads, just max out the level with the preamp on min. (no pad switches on my mics either) This looks like just the thing I have been looking for.
$5 says this guy is pushing a +4dBU signal into a -10dBV input.

Check your interface trim settings.

To the guy with the DP-24, turn down the trim all the way and adjust level with the fader.
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