ozewiezewoze - with fat_fleet & fritsthegirl

To me the vocals somehow got easier to hear as the song went along. So I think the level is probably OK.

I had real trouble hearing the bass and drums. Both were really low in the mix.

Tone on everything sounded fine to me.

That little transition at :17 could have been smoother.

The keyboards/synths were kind of dominant.
To me the vocals somehow got easier to hear as the song went along. So I think the level is probably OK.

I had real trouble hearing the bass and drums. Both were really low in the mix.

Tone on everything sounded fine to me.

That little transition at :17 could have been smoother.

The keyboards/synths were kind of dominant.

Thanks Trip. I'm surprised about the bass. I actually turned it down after sharing the first mix with fat & frits. The drums are maybe a little lower than I'd like just 'cause I had trouble controlling the dynamics of 'em on this, I still like where they're at though.

Yeah, I just recently picked up an old hammond organ, so I may be going a little overboard with that just because it's new?

Thanks again.
This is a good, fun song. About the only think I can suggest on first listen is MOAR VOCAL! Jibberish or not, I'd like to hear them more present in the mix.

The bass sound perfect to me, great playing. And I love the auto-wah guitar. A little Jerry Garcia in there somewhere?

The drumming is great as well. Personal tastes tell me that I want more of the kit mics in relation to the overheads, just to hear a little more thump and whack in the whole song.

Great job as a collab, this all gels together very well. Even with your roundabout methodology :) Hell, I wouldn't even know where to start with gluing together tracks from different sources like this.
This is a good, fun song. About the only think I can suggest on first listen is MOAR VOCAL! Jibberish or not, I'd like to hear them more present in the mix.

The bass sound perfect to me, great playing. And I love the auto-wah guitar. A little Jerry Garcia in there somewhere?

The drumming is great as well. Personal tastes tell me that I want more of the kit mics in relation to the overheads, just to hear a little more thump and whack in the whole song.

Great job as a collab, this all gels together very well. Even with your roundabout methodology :) Hell, I wouldn't even know where to start with gluing together tracks from different sources like this.

Great. Thanks for checking it out Tadpui. Another vote for more vocals...

Yes, the instrumental sections took on a decidedly grateful dead sort of sound to them. I can't help it as that's just sort of my default mode, much as I try to gravitate away from it at times.

I too really like the drumming on this. I did struggle with the bass/kick. Visually (I know, I mix with my ears, not my eyes, but...) the kick & snare register far louder than anything else on my meters, but listening, it sounds like they're largely overshadowed by the overheads. Not sure what I did there, but I like the mellow, jazzy feel to it like this for this track anyway...normally, I'd want a more solid, punchy sound I guess.

Seems like a lot of calls for more vocals and more drums. I kind of feel like a dick, as those are what the other two played. Normally, we find with collaborations, that the mixer often overcompensates out of politeness or something, and turns the other peoples' parts up too loud. I seem to have the opposite problem. I didn't do it intentionally, it's just what I thought sounded best :D.

It's a very pleasant sound, but I can't make out a single lyric... "rosaries are rosaries"?

Thanks Tobe. I can't believe people can't understand these lyrics! Here they are again so everyone can sing along:

Ozewiezewoze wiezewalla kristalla
kristoze wiezewoze wiezewieswieswies

Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum, and love the interplay of ideas, the joking, and even the bickering at times.

You came up with a nice folk tune to work on. My late wife was Dutch, and I've heard some interesting children's songs from Holland. This was one of them.

I really liked the arrangement and the mix. The only thing I would suggest is I'd like to hear the glockenspiel just a tad bit more. To me the bells add a balancing depth to the quirkiness of the rest of the song. (I imagine there may be some who would make a "more cowbell" joke here, but I'm serious about the glockenspiel).

Great effort guys!
Hi everyone,

I'm new to this forum, and love the interplay of ideas, the joking, and even the bickering at times.

You came up with a nice folk tune to work on. My late wife was Dutch, and I've heard some interesting children's songs from Holland. This was one of them.

I really liked the arrangement and the mix. The only thing I would suggest is I'd like to hear the glockenspiel just a tad bit more. To me the bells add a balancing depth to the quirkiness of the rest of the song. (I imagine there may be some who would make a "more cowbell" joke here, but I'm serious about the glockenspiel).

Great effort guys!

Hey, that's great. Thanks for checking it out and welcome to the forum!

It's cool to have someone who's actually heard the tune before comment. I trust you'd let us know if you felt we'd butchered it. I actually agree with you about the glock. It's a very unusual and nice addition to this. I think it features nicely during the intro, but then when it randomly reappears throughout the rest of the piece, it gets kind of lost with everything else going on. If I remix this I will definitely try bringing that up later in the track. Thanks again!
Thanks for the welcome!

In my opinion, you definitely didn't “butcher it". I really enjoyed the soundscape you've created. Maybe I'm going outside of the area of "recording", and commenting on content. I especially enjoyed the way Fritz's vocals have such an instrumental quality. Perhaps the nonsense lyrics make it easier to focus on her voice instead of the words.

The whole works for me (with the exception of the bells level, as mentioned).