Overpriced thrift store junk!

... Thrift stores are supposed to sell cheap goods to lower income people...

Well, not any more. Most thrift stores are affiliated with some charity (although I think many of the "charities" are little more than fronts) and the stores rationalize their prices by saying the buyers are supporting the charity. Good Will is bad about that.

Frankly, I often don't care a hoot about their "charity." As I am a agnostic/atheistic humanist, it rather bugs me that some people use their "Christianity" to sell something, and it seems that Good Will does that, too. If it's not a sweet deal, and/or worth the chance I am taking the thing is not working, I will pass.
Does a bunk house come with it?

Actually it's a 2 story building, the studio is ground floor and upstairs is an office, electrical repair/gear storage room and a lounge. The office is rented to some friends that are film makers, one of them is nearly always on location but he stays at the studio when he is in town. The building has a bathroom with a shower a small kitchen. It would be very easy for a single person to stay there.

I once paid $250 for a BC Rich Warlock bass at a good local music store. Years later I traded it straight across for another guitar. A couple years after that, I saw my old Warlock bass at the grungiest pawn shop in town, where they were asking several dollars more than what I had paid years before.
Goodwill is the worst. Not analog equipment, but I saw a China stencil brand drum kit at the Roswell, GA Goodwill, missing about $100 (I checked) worth of parts. They would not budge from the $75 price. Now, a kit like that can be had, used but complete, for about $150. The manager would not drop the price, even a little, saying "Somebody's gonna buy it." I said to him "I feel sorry for the poor schumck who does. You are ripping folks off."

The people that run that store are ass munches. I hate that store. If it's the one on Alpharetta Highway by Mansell. There is a way better one around the corner. My wife is a thrift junky.
My experience is if you find something in the Salvation army it will be cheap. Pawn shops and antique shops are different. They're usually a few bucks above market price, sometimes ridiculously so. But Salvation Army, I've bought a perfectly functioning Crate bass amp for $20, tons of mint records for a dollar or less. I've also seen lots of tape decks, including Tascam mix down decks for no more than $20.
Actually it's a 2 story building, the studio is ground floor and upstairs is an office, electrical repair/gear storage room and a lounge. The office is rented to some friends that are film makers, one of them is nearly always on location but he stays at the studio when he is in town. The building has a bathroom with a shower a small kitchen. It would be very easy for a single person to stay there.


No good than ..... for I have seven children. Maybe one day then.
My wife wants to retire in Reykjavík Iceland and 'm trying to convince her that OZ is the place to go. ;)
What's been going on on ebay lately? :confused::confused:

Seems everyone has learned how to keep asking prices up about 3 times higher than the items ever sell for. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Literally. Do they want to actually sell their stuff or do they just like how pretty it looks on the list?
What's been going on on ebay lately? :confused::confused:

Seems everyone has learned how to keep asking prices up about 3 times higher than the items ever sell for. :rolleyes::rolleyes: Literally. Do they want to actually sell their stuff or do they just like how pretty it looks on the list?

Most are just hoping for that *sucker born every minute* sale. :cursing:
Yeah ..... No.

Let me check I surely don't want to part with my Klark Tekniks. Might have some other brands though.
I keep seeing these Tascam LA-80/81/40mkII "bump boxes" listed for silly prices...like $500~&600 each.