Overhead Condensors? (for drum mic'ing)


New member
I'm looking for a pair of overhead condensors to mic' a whole kit (toms, snare, and cymbals, but the bass drum will be mic'ed seperately). I was just wondering what would get the job done well here. Hoping not to spend more than around $700 for the pair. I was looking at AKG C 430's, but thought that the high-frequency emphasis would limit the pick-up of toms (especially on floor toms.) Thoughts? Suggestions?
The emphasis of one part of the frequency spectrum shouldn't have any effect on a mic's ability to pick up sounds in other parts. All it means is that sounds within that particular band will be a few decibels louder. The thing that might be worth looking into is the Frequency Range of the mic. Ideally you want the mic to be as close to flat as possible from 20 hz to 20 k (Presence Peaks accepted). A mic with a severe Roll-off of Frequencies below 100 hz won't be ideal for instruments with lots of low end information like Kick, Bass and Floor Tom.