output bussing


New member
This might seem like a silly question but...I am about to start using a firepod with cubase and i am trying to rig up headphone monitoring. Can I send 4 different mixes back to the outs on my firepod to then send to my headphone amp?

I would just like to give each their own mix....

Yes you can. All you have to do is setup 4 stereo ouputs when you open a new project up. You could use one for your main mix, and the other three for heaphone mixes. At the top of each channel you would assign the output to whichever you want to use for playbcak in the studio monitors (your mix bus). Then, on each channel you would use the aux send section to send to headphone mixes. You could do this with as many or as few mixes as you want. Keep in mind though that Cubase SX only allows 8 aux sends form each channel. Not 8 total, but 8 per channel. That means that with some creative group routing and stuff, you could get more than 8 sends if you needed some of your channel sends for other things.