outboard EQ analizer


New member
I use an EQ analiser plugin thing on pro tools and its really handy but i have to close it when im using EQ plugins and then open it again to seehow its shaping up, my question is, is there an outboard unit that will allow me to see any frequency i send into it?
yes... a spectrum analyzer... a hardware version could cost you as much a dozen nice preamps...

Why do you have to close the analyzer plugin while your EQ plugin is open? You should be able to find something that plays nicely with your other plugins...
You can hook up one of those old school graphic analyzers, you know, the kind that has the jumping bars... it wouldn't be perfect, but you could probably find one cheap, and it would give you enough of an idea so that you could work with the EQ.
Behringer makes one that should be under $300, Goldline's should come in around $800 new, and you should even be able to find a used Klark Teknik for like $800 or so. All those prices may even be high. I just looked and found a "new" Alto spectrum analyzer with a mic even for $179 on Ebay:)
I have that Behringer DEQ2496, and it has excellent metering and RTA. It's one of the best pieces that Behringer makes, in my opinion. There are certainly much higher end products out there, but for $300 this is the best RTA I think you'll find.
I don't think that any of the RTAs listed in this thread have the capabilities that vangore is looking for... They're designed primarily for analyzing a space, be it a live venue or control room. They don't have the resolution, or zooming ability, of existing plugins for really looking at the detailed response change of a parametric EQ on an individual channel... I actually bought the behringer RTA but sold it shortly after because of it's poor resolution...

Then again... maybe one of these options is just what vangore's looking for...
I have Smaart and its a great program. I use for tuning 100k sound systems all the time. So a studio so be no problem.

You can find some old DOD RTAs for around $200.00 on ebay.