Our first effort! Be gentle lol!


New member
Hi all,

I'd like you to listen to our first recording/mixing effort. We've tinkered around before but this is our first "proper" effort!

The song is called "Come Join Me" It was recorded in my spare room and mixed on PC with samplitude.

I'm open to any advice, suggestions, help etc.

It's at the bottom of the page under "Work in Construction".


The band is "The Lancaster Bombers" of which I'm the soundman, web-master, general dogs body!!

ANY feedback most welcome.

Cheers Paul Walsh
I enjoyed it. Good melody, some nice harmonies, lots of variety.

Kind of Coral-y.

A slightly looser/more relaxed feel to the drum fills might be nice.

I love the way the start of the chorus vocal overlaps with the end of the verse vocal.

Singing is strong, mix sounds well balanced, love the organ.

Very impressive.


Pretty fun sounding song. Nice mix. Really good vocal. I agree with the turtles comment. I like it!

What's the signal chain on the drums?
Drum signal chain

Thanks for the encouraging replies!

What I did with the drums was:

Plugged the DT express "brain" into a Joe Meek MQ3 compressor and then into a Delta 44 soundcard. I then recorded each drum as a seperate track one at a time. That way I could get a finer balance in control rather than setting it up all as one mix in the DT express brain. The drums are the hardest part really as we struggle to get a natural sounding patch. That's the best we can do at the moment though. I may look into using soundfonts as drum samples instead of the built in DT express patches. That way, we'll basically be using the DT express pads just as a way to get the midi into the computer.

ANy more comments gratefully received!

Paul Walsh
Excellent bass in this tune. Not sure if the synth fits in the chorus, as was stated before there is a 60's vibe to this, the organ is excellent. Great work.

Wow! I'm surprised people like the organ! All my mates hate that part! I'll have a tinker with the synth horns in the chorus and see what happens.
you guys have a good vibe. I think the drumkit and the ride cymbal were just a bit too up front in the verses. They do sound good though. The organ is fine in this. You maybe could use a little fatter soundfont on the horns though and put them in the back a lil. Very good presentation.