OTARI MX5050 with mackie mixer?


New member
I am looking for a otari mx5050 mkii or iii 2 or 4 or 8 track version.
So.... i have 3 main questions....if anybody could help.....

1)Could this work with the mackie 1202 vlz mixer i have?

2)Could this work properly with a power adapter 110V to 220V(for Greece)?

3)Does it need a DBX unit in order to reduce noise and hiss or the OTARI'S signal/noise ratio is enough?

Thanks for your time.......
It will work with the mixer. As far as the DBX is concerned I don't know enough about the OTARI unit to know if you would need noise reduction or not. I would record without it and then make a determination from that point. I use the DBX 150's and love them.
It will work with the Otari, but the 1202 is what I would call limited in bussing and monitoring for an 8-track. It would be better suited for a 4 track. You have 4 groups (sort of...the stereo master and the ALT3/4 group which has no master control), and enough line inputs to handle returns from the deck if its a 4-track...you'll have to use the AUX buss for a mono cue mix while tracking if you are using all 4 output busses during tracking. This is not to say that it won't work with an 8-track, it would just be impossible to track 8 tracks at a time, and in either case you'll have to be a little creative with monitoring and still doing some repatching during the different stages of the process (i.e. tracking, overdubbing, mixing).