Original Folk Song by Me - Blessed Man's Detail

The guitar picking is kind of choppy - it doesn't flow smoothly. The part with the mando and claps is much better rhythmically. The vocals are way to far back in the mix.
If this is a demo recording, it's fine. If it's for real, the vocals need to be brought out more. They seem to be awash in the supporting music.
Yeah, the guitar is kinda different. Don't know if that was a desired effect. I would suggest, less is more and use a simple straight forward rhythm like toward the end. Is the guitar direct? Maybe go for a more natural sound. Verb on vox and guitar sound weird. Like a bad room or something. Not sure. Love the tune!!!!!!!! Very cool.
Heres the new version. I mastered it and did alot with it

let me know.

i listen to this stuff a lot. i'm not at my monitors, so i'll just respond to non-tonal things. it really depends who is listening or who your market is. the production of it and tuning and performance is spot on (aka off by people not in the genre)

you have to sort of let go of your producer or radio dj hat and let the sound wash over you and not give an f about timing or if the voice is crystal clear.

ps: you mixed the track. mastering involves multiple bounces/cd tracks. you mix a song, you master a cd. different things.
i listen to this stuff a lot. i'm not at my monitors, so i'll just respond to non-tonal things. it really depends who is listening or who your market is. the production of it and tuning and performance is spot on (aka off by people not in the genre)

you have to sort of let go of your producer or radio dj hat and let the sound wash over you and not give an f about timing or if the voice is crystal clear.

ps: you mixed the track. mastering involves multiple bounces/cd tracks. you mix a song, you master a cd. different things.

Thanks for takin a listen and I was aware that mastering was a process that you did after the mixing was complete and you just did some final polishing with limiters and EQ bands and what not o_O guess I was wrong :P

Yeah, the guitar is kinda different. Don't know if that was a desired effect. I would suggest, less is more and use a simple straight forward rhythm like toward the end. Is the guitar direct? Maybe go for a more natural sound. Verb on vox and guitar sound weird. Like a bad room or something. Not sure. Love the tune!!!!!!!! Very cool.

The guitar is direct in actually. Probobly why it sounded so weird. It was so difficult for me to find a good mic position that sounded good with the kkinda mic I have. Every where I put it, it seems too boomy or too thin. I found a really good position yesterday but I alrdy completed the song for the most part and I'm recording other projects. Thanks for the input, making me realize I should have messed around with mic positioning more before I went to the direct in solution.