Original Americana song


New member
So my acoustic duo is working on an EP and I want to do the recording and mixing myself. Been doing this awhile, but I'm strictly an amateur. So looking for feedback on how to make my recordings as professional as I can. Thanks for those spending the time.

Pawn Shop Heart
I like the song. The bass line is cool, and the acoustic guitars sound nice. It sounds like the guitar is taking up the high space that could be used for the mandolin. I would probably boost some highs in the mando, and cut a little of the same in the guitars. Or maybe just bringing the mandolin volume up a little would help. Harmonicas are just a tad loud to me. vocal reverb could be good, but i'd prefer just a little less.

very nice, and most of my nits are just nits, sounds good as is. I love this kinds of music, nice job.
I liked that bass part too. It moved well.

I'd probably compress the lead vocal and the little acoustic guitar riff a little harder. Bits get lost here and there. A vocal note or two really jump out.

Mando sounds a little phasey to me. Something going on with a delay? Not sure what it is.
The music is fighting the voice in places. Maybe shift the rythem guitar to the other channel just a touch and turn it down as well.