Orange "Crush" 10watt combo amp


New member
Hello guitar folks
I don't play guitar myself, although I'd like to learn. However, I'm looking to get a couple small amps for recording specifically, for a bunch of reasons.
Anyway, a good friend of mine has a full-on Orange stack (I don't know which exactly, but it cost him about $5g's for the whole rig) and it sounds absolutely amazing. I noticed a few places selling the 10watt Orange "Crush" combo amps for around $75.. Has anyone used these? How do they sound mic'd up? Marshall also has a comparable amplifier, as well as roland I beleive.

If not Orange 10watt Crush, what small amp for $50-100? (Again, specifically for recording guitar, not using it to gig, or anything like that)
The Orange Crush amplifiers are not the same as Orange amplifiers. Nowhere near close. Whole different ballpark, different universe, etc. You can pick up a Valve Jr. for $100 if you have a cab already, or a Roland Cube for the same price. Both will sound worlds better than the piece of crap they're trying to sell to people who mistake it for actual Orange gear.

EDIT: Er, actually I'm mistaken. I guess Orange really does make these amps. Still, for the money, you can get a much better sounding amp. I played on one and it did not sound good at all. Maybe it was a lemon?
in all honesty, i've never run into a 5-10w amp that i liked very much...especially not those that only push an 8" speaker

they always sound like a tin can to my ears. i know there are some small tube amps out there that push only 5-10w and are known to sound decent when pushing good speakers, but i don't have enough experience with those to drop any names
timthetortoise said:

EDIT: Er, actually I'm mistaken. I guess Orange really does make these amps. Still, for the money, you can get a much better sounding amp. I played on one and it did not sound good at all. Maybe it was a lemon?

whether they make them themselves or not : yours was just like all the rest of them

piece of crap.

i can't agree with you more on the small amps choice : they're the only two amps i use anymore.
Well I have an Orange Crush 30R that I practice with sometimes.

I'll just say the obvious now..

Nothing in the Crush line will sound like a 5k rig.

Ok, now for what it is, it sounds pretty good. The cleans are a little dark, and the crunch is pretty meaty sounding. (=good)

But its not something your going to show off to your friends.
ya what you were impressed by in your friends rig was probably the sound of a tube amp, not necessarily an orange. many low wattage tube amps are popping up all over the place, and a few good ones have been mentioned already here.

if you are looking for a small solidstate combo, i recommend kustom. i simply cannot believe the sound that you can get from their solidstates. these ones:

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Everyone I've talked to loves orange amps, and assumed the Crush series would be just as good. Of course, in a 50/50 split I'm going to have to go listen to one. The only thing in the Oranges' defense, is since I'm just using these to mic for recording, perhaps they will provide a specific sound I'm looking for. In every rock mix I've done in the past year, I've shelved off the majority of the low end to make room for kick/bass/keys or whathave you in the mix, so while the amp may not be as thick sounding as a big rig, it may benifit in the long-run when it comes to the mix. I'm all about getting the sounds I want @ the source, rather then adjusting in the mix.
I'm going to look around for some of the smaller tube amps as suggested.
Is there any small tube heads on the market for around $100? I wouldn't mind buying a small tube head, and a few smaller speaker combinations to use with it.. Hrmm. So confusing!
I will say(im new btw), that i love my line 6 15 Watt amp..idk what other people think about them, but im a fan of line 6's stuff. I'm curious about the crushes too, i haven't heard all that much about them, but my friend jake was gonna get one....either one of those or a marshall...but if u want a few sounds to pick from, id almost go line 6. SO much variety in one package...but if u want tone, and all that other stuff, i mean idk. Ive played through a Marshall MG before, and they are..okay..i'd consider having a 50 watt or a 30 around my studio, but they really aren't amazing. None of the tube manufactorers(marshall, orange) solid states are nearly as good as the tube amps....but i will say that they do beat out companies like..crate. If you want variety with some good sound, i'd go line 6 personally.
Ahem, Crate makes some formidable products. I used to play through a GLX212 and it actually had some nice sounds (for a practice amp). However, the older Blue Voodoo is a great amp no matter how you slice it. But in general, yeah... Crate is usually a no-no.
I got one of those little orange crush amps used for about $50, and I think it was worth it, but I'll never record with it. Definitely not to be confused with its larger tube based cousins. It's a cool looking, durable, and pretty good sounding practice amp -- one of my kids plugs in every once in awhile. The clean sound is surprisingly good, but I can't get the distortion to sound good (admittedly haven't tried too hard).

If you want a new small cheap amp with which to record, I agree that the epi valve jr. is a great choice. I've got the version that's just a head ($99 new), and I plug it through different things, and it sounds kickass. I heard the combos are good, too.
Hmm...Im curious, does anyone know a good combo amp, or good amp brand...that makes good amps for alt-rock almost pop rock stuff. Im very into playing that kind of music(i have the voice for it...and the guitar "skills" for it hah)...I know so many bands use Mesa's in that field, but idk. I dont have 1700 dollars to blow on a Triple Rectifier. I know Oranges are used a lot, but i dont have the money to spend on a tube amp...can anybody help out?