oppinions on my first mix/master


New member
I recorded this the other day and did my best shot at mixing and mastering. It is my schools summer jazz band program. What do you think?

My only real gripe is that I had a monkey for an assistent engineer, and I quote "Ryan WTF the silver side of the D-112 points towards the scource! why did you turn it arount, I had it right before?!"

Anyway here it is:

Jazz isn't my kinda thing, but I checked it out anyway.....there is nothing I can really say except...it sounds, to me, just like most other examples i've heard of that style. So I guess that means good job!

Sorry I could not be more helpful.... :D
Sounds like a live recording as it is.
would like to hear the drums more and less wind and brass, more bass defo. Not a good mix. Did you close mic anything or did you only use some room mics to capture the whole performance?
ecktronic said:
Sounds like a live recording as it is.
would like to hear the drums more and less wind and brass, more bass defo. Not a good mix. Did you close mic anything or did you only use some room mics to capture the whole performance?

What do you mean by bass defo? (sorry if this is obvious im new at this!)

The insturments were miced in groups or close miced and as follows:
alto sax and trupet 2
tennor sax
guitar and violin (both went through the same amp)

Thanks for your opinions they are greatly apreciated!
ecktronic, you still haven't told me what exactly I can improve or what is downright bad and why. I'm new at this as alot of people on this board are and would like more input than: thats a bad mix. I apriciate the critizism but in order to improve I need to have details in it.

I told you that your levels were all wrong. You need to sort out your levels first.
(defo = definite).

Boost the bass. Lower the wind and brass. Boost the whole drum kit especially the kik and snare and toms.

Good luck.
well jazz drums aren't usually that high in mixes anyway, but I haven't heard the sample yet... so
drums sound alright to me, but the woodwinds and/or brass are too loud. I hope you didn't compress this a lot... if at all. the woodwinds/brass sound slightly compressed, maybe they're just full of hot air. course the performance isn't spectacular.
Oh :p thanks for clearing that up electronik.

eh, grn, yeah its pretty compressed.

Luckly i can take that out because its a plug-in. I'll take out the compression and bring up the bass and post a new version. The compression should take care of the woodwinds problem.

i thought it was an o.k. mix.. the intro (up to 1 min) seems a little thin, after that when the second part kicks in , i thought it sounded pretty good, bass and drums sounded o.k. to me.... it all did sound 'live' but i imagine you recorded it all in one room with minimal acoustical treatment.. it'll probably be though to avoid the 'live' feel like that (sorry i didnt listen to the whole thing, but i am dialup.. it it woulda taken me an hour to d/l)

Thanks for the opinions!

I have taken them in and tried to do what I could with what I have so with out further delay:


I have brought up the bass, and reduced the compression, hope it helps!