opionions please

It's always brave putting up your stuff for critique.......... here's my ha'penny's worth.

1) Lose or cut the intro - it's contrary to the actual song and it's waaayyy too long.
2) Your singer sounds like he's trying NOT to sing to loud and that has the effect of choking his vocals.
3) You need to re-work the guitar "solo" it could be just a tad busier.

But, as they say, at least you made the effort so well done for that!


I'm adding this pre-note after I wrote out the reply. I'm gonna be pretty harsh, but take it as constructive criticism. No point in me not telling you what work I think needs to be done.

i like the electronic intro, but i was expecting something more. (probably because your name is Bitonal Alchemy. Do you know what bitonality is? Your music isn't bitonal.) i'm all into electronica (amongst many other things). bluesjnr has a point in that the intro seems irrelevant to the song. but i don't think it's too long. (are you into stuff like 30 seconds to mars?) let me try make a list:

- the intro is arb. but a way to fix it without dropping it is to try blend it into the guitar intro, instead of just switching from one to the other. also you can work on your tempo.
- tempo is all over the place. the intro has a rhythm, even if it's obscured by the fact that the sounds are long and strange. the worst thing is that the guitar part after the electronic intro is completely different from the actual song! so, we think 'ok, here we go' and then we're surprised again. this sort of thing drives me nuts.
- the solo is very much like john frusciante in it's sparseness. and i think he's great. if you don't want to make it busier, at least try using different rhythm patterns in it. it's the same riff over and over just transposed. free it up a bit.
- granted, it's a home-recording or a demo. but there's stuff you can do to get a better sound. you need more clarity, 'cos it's sounding really muddy. Just use an EQ, especially on the singer's vocals. Come on, this is your baby, have some pride, ok?
- I know he's singing softly, reminds me of Trent Reznor's style. Not quite as good as Trent yet, I'm afraid, but I don't think it's a problem that it's a little 'choked'.
- Your rhythm guitarist is playing wrong notes, try tighten up before you record.

Ok, I think that's it. Writing this, I think there's a point I have to make. I don't want to make an example of you guys, 'cos it applies to 90% of stuff I hear not-yet-professional musicians making nowadays, on this board and elsewhere. People are not taking real pride in their work. Your song could be MUCH better if you did some simple things, like make sure you can play all the guitar parts, make sure you do some decent production on your recording (all recording software comes with an equaliser!), make sure you're in time, consistently. None of this has to do with songwriting. If you're going to write a song, and then not make the effort to perform and record it the best you can, then why write at all? As I said above, your music is like your baby. Treat it well. Conceiving and giving birth is simply not enough!

Phew, hope that wasn't too much of a rant :) I'd like to get feedback on this sort of thing. If I don't, I'll start a new thread....

ciao, work hard
I'd start with that guitar picking instead of that weird industrial intro.

The rhythm guitar and vocals don't sit together either rhythmically or musically. Sounds like the guitar is very badly out of tune.

There is a good song here, the melody is very very cool, but you need to work on it quite a bit. Like NationalSandwich said, take some pride in your work!
THanks for your comments they were very informative. I will take each in to consideration and try to re work some of the song. I do know what bitonal means but after I named the band. I named it bitonal because it's just me and a friend and we are making noise... some of the problem is I use a tascam 4 track and then put it on to the computer and because the tascam bleeds some eq'ing and other stuff can be a little trying. We also normally record two tracks in the beggining like that one he played guitar and I played drums and it was recorded live and then other things were added over that like the vocals and other stuff. I have alot of pride in what I do which is why I wrote on here, I am hoping that through this I can create better songs and recordings. I don't say that definsivly because I agree whole heartedly. thanks again for your honesty it should only make the song better.
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to you Guys this song has heaps of potential.
I'm not going to critisize to much because I havn,t had the know how to post a song for listening yet.
I might be wrong but i get the feeling the Guitars need to be a bit heavier this song I think would sound great with heavier guitar work I think its a great little track I just think you really need to belt it out a bit harder.
The singer sounds good.
go for it. Really good Idea.