

New member
I just finished this mix, if ya got time take a listen and tell me what ya think. Maybe what you would do to it? If anything. I never thought I would like recording on DAW's. But I went digital baby! Sold my 1" the other day.

hope ya like blues

Hey, I don't listen to a lot of blues but have heard some Stevie Ray Vaughan and I like some songs by the Robert Cray Band...with that in mind I think this is a very decent blues song. The playing seems effortless (no awkward feel to it), well-timed, and the levels all sound good to me. Listening critically I would choose the recording of the vocal as something that might improve the song. The vocal seems to be slightly "grainy" and doesn't have the "clearness" that it could have (sorry, that is as technical as I can get). Maybe you could experiment with a different microphone for lead vocal. Also I didn't think that the "bongo" playing (toward the last part of the song) added to the song. Maybe they were too quiet in the mix (I thought at first I was hearing something from somewhere else in my house).To me they seemed a little distracting and changed the feel of the song (made me think of Santana). Overall though I think this is an impressive live performance.