opinions on Behringer mixers ?


New member
I need a mixer to route my equipment (ASR-10, Roland keyboard, turntables/mixer, computer, VCR, receiver, bass)- I'm thinking about copping the Eurorack MX2004A for $220.. how's the quality and reliability of their products? Theres also the mx1804x for $30 more with DSP effects, but it has 6 less channels. How good are its effects? How's the preamps (I'll probably be using it for recording vocals, drums, and bass).
i have had no problems with my mx2004a. none. but many people have. i have had no problems with the pres, but generally people think they are shit. i wouldn't know having never used anything better.
After much deliberation, I settled on the UB1002 because of the invisible mic preamp. After having used it I am convinced that I got more than I paid for. My recordings are clear and clean with no discearnable excess noise. Give me a few weeks though, I'll find a way to screw it up.
I have a Model 802 mixer which I use in my "computer" room to connect inputs (computer soundcard, computer capture board, incoming receiver w/CD/radio/VCR) to outputs (power amp feeding old Yamaha monitors). It's not my primary recording rig. It has been quiet & reliable, and has a wonderfully small footprint.

The only beef I hear about them that I would take care to regard is that their service network is crap. If one breaks past the point where the vendor will swap it, then you may wait quite a while to get it back. I don't see this as a problem with a mixer that cost $79, but I would be careful about their more expensive models.
I prev'ly made a promise to Lucid not to OPEN MY MOUTH
when I see threads concerning Behrenger mixers!!

I'll stay strong!!
BigLex: In case it wasn't clear, MrQQ here absolutely HATES Behringer mixers. He likes some of their other gear, but despises, loathes, abhors, and detests Behringer mixing boards of all shapes, sizes, and ripped-off designs. ;) Ain't that right, Q?
esactun said:
BigLex: In case it wasn't clear, MrQQ here absolutely HATES Behringer mixers. He likes some of their other gear, but despises, loathes, abhors, and detests Behringer mixing boards of all shapes, sizes, and ripped-off designs. ;) Ain't that right, Q?

I know nothing,I'll say nothing, can't hear nothing!!;) :p ;)

My mouth is closed!!!!!!!!!!:)
MrQ... haha. i can't believe you remember that that was ages agO! but hey, we've all had bad experieneces with some things, and your experienece just happened to be a lot worse.. shit happens. i'm happy with mine. but then again i don't know better so maybe i won't be when i get a nicer pre or board...
I will never buy another Behringer mixer. The Right channel of the MAIN buss died a few months after purchasing my mx1604a.
Of course it died mid project....

What's the point of German engineering and attention to detail when they use 3rd world production?

Save yourself the trouble and spend the extra $$$. I wish I would have.
So I wonder what we'll buy now, considering that Mackie is now going to be made in, is it China? :rolleyes:

Chris (owner of a Behringer MX802A mixer that gets daily use over the past two years without a hint of problems.... and as Tex Roadkill pointed out, I think Hendrix is over-rated too ;) )
I bought my 802 because I needed phantom power ( my Peavey didn't have it) and an adapter was $50. I figured it was worth the extra $40 to have another mixer to use for monitoring later when I get something better.

For the money I don't think you can beat it. Does anyone sell one cheaper? Just don't believe what those meters are telling you. Us your ears to set your mic gain and you'll be fine.
M.Brane said:
I bought my 802 because I needed phantom power ( my Peavey didn't have it) and an adapter was $50. I figured it was worth the extra $40 to have another mixer to use for monitoring later when I get something better.

For the money I don't think you can beat it. Does anyone sell one cheaper? Just don't believe what those meters are telling you. Us your ears to set your mic gain and you'll be fine.

Ha! Peaveys! The only mixers I've found to be worse than behringers, except maybe Nady, but I've never heard any of those.
I think if your on a budget, and only using it for home recordings, behringer is rather ok... the smaller models like most other mixers offer stereo input(mono/mono)... I've recently seen the behringer in a live performance... and it was crap... the band could barely be heard and when they started to build up into the chorus of a song, the sound was completely distorted...

but the price is good... the durability... well not so sure... the thing that made me buy a mackie rather than a behringer was that behringer cost 1/3 the price of a DI...
jem said:
but the price is good... the durability... well not so sure...

Big Lex: Do a search on this bbs on Behringer Mixers. Besides the low quality mic preamps, a lot people complained about their unit failing. Mine did... some people have no problems with them whatsoever. I guess you have to weigh $$$ vs. failure rate, especially with Behringers.

jem said:
the thing that made me buy a mackie rather than a behringer was that behringer cost 1/3 the price of a DI...

Could you explain that line of reasoning? I don't follow.
I once cancelled a show because of e behringer mixer... and it WASN'T broken... it just... was a behringer mixer...

tyler657recpro said:
Ha! Peaveys! The only mixers I've found to be worse than behringers, except maybe Nady, but I've never heard any of those.

I think you need to clean out your earwax.:p

The pre's in my Peavey are actually quieter and have a bit more headroom than the Behringer, but it's a cheap PA board and has no phantom. It's been through hell and not a single problem. I definately wouldn't subject the Behringer to the kind of abuse it has endured. It probably wouldn't survive one gig. It's fine for the home studio though.
I almost bought the Behringer 8 channel for economic reasons, but after hearing so many negative comments on the performance and reliability of the Behringers I waited. I found a really nice deal on an ancient Tascam m-30, and I'm extremely happy with it. I`m not ready to drop the $ for a mackie yet.
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