Operating Systems


New member
I was reading today (congradulations!) and read that OSR 2 (win 95 b) "does not require that FAT32 (file allocation table 32 bit) be used; it operates just as well, if not better, using FAT16. Depending on the application of the system, OSR2 may run slower with FAT32. Remember that FAT32 is designed to optimize storage space, not performance."

So does that mean I should be using FAT16?

I believe win98 automatically uses FAT32, so is win98 worse than 95a for audio recording?

Any thoughts?
Win98 does not require FAT32...you can load it onto a Drive formatted in FAT16.
Win95, as I recall, has some limitations that win98 doesn't, when it comes to digital audio recording...sorry...I can't recall off-hand just what those limitations are...