Only one short tip


New member
If you could pass on just one short tip to someone else about recording what would it be?


Experiment with turning the distortion on a guitar amp down. It might actually make the recorded guitar tone more appealing.
For DAW recording, SAVE AS YOU GO!

Save everything. Save different "versions" of your song in different filenames. Save takes you don't like and might like later. Nothing worse than a power surge or accidental delete to wipe out something you might have wanted later!
Make sure everybody in the band is prepared and knows their parts inside out and upside down and can play them properly blindfolded and in their sleep, because 'take 10' probably isnt going to be that great even if it is correct.
Always deal with the signal chain from the beginning, not from the end. Plug-ins and FX won't help you if the song, the musician, the instrument, the performance, the room, the mic, and the preamp suck.-Richie
Fix it at the source, not at the board... ...fix it in the tracking, not in the mix... ...fix it in the mix, not in the mastering!

And let the mastering engineer add the polish........
There is recording for yourself and then there is what people expect to hear.

Only one? Buy some good monitors. It doesn't matter what knobs you turn, if you can't hear what needs to be adjusted, your results will be hit or miss.
Songwriting takes precedence over recording. If a song's coming through, everything else goes on hold.

Recording takes precedence over mixing. If it's time to track, the mixing can wait.

Mixing takes precedence over surfing this board.
If the kick drum is sounding too muddy and low end, experiement with mic placement and do not be afraid to sidechain an EQ in the compressor to control the low's and level the high's. The punch of a kick is on the high end of it's sprectrum, the pump is the low end.

Mix around the song, not an istrument.