Online Record Label


New member
hey this might be an idiot idea, but some friends and i have been mulling over running something like a website where we give bands their page on it, and it has their music/artwork/whatever, and so instead of passing out demos, they send people to the site. this would be kinda in conjunction with my small studio (drum room in in mind we are all highschool guys....

i've got 2 bands and one electronic music guy that think its a good idea and would be on it....

but how could money be made with this system? charge the bands for the site or something?

any ideas?
In theory you have a good idea but most established bands have a website of their own. You might do better to set up a site for your studio and run features of bands/artists that work with you. Some booking agencies already have sites similar to what you seem to be thinking of so the idea isn't totaly a new one. The internet is a big place so what you are wanting to do might be a great way to introduce people to a vast audience that they might otherwise never be able to reach. I say if you have the time and patience to set it up and keep it updated, go for it. Good luck with the project and keep us posted on how it's doing.