one quick question


New member
If anybody here is familiar with the Tascam 488 8 track recorder...

I just wanted to know if its AT ALL possible to hook up a cd burner to the 488 or maybe even to my mixer. Instead of always recording to tapes, i was interested in burning cd's directly from it.

I know I can use my computer, but I was thinking of other ways to do this. Thanks for any help
Yo Smoove:

You can or should be able to run your RCA stereo outs from the back of the 488 into a CD recorder.

You would set the faders and reverb to whatever and listen via your monitors; if you like it, you can patch the stereo outs to the CD recorder. [like an Alesis Masterlink or whatever.]

You could do the same into a DAT recorder.

Green Hornet

:D :p :cool: :cool: