One man's Journal


New member
I've been reading this journal for a few weeks now..... It's a producer for a major record label who is documenting the recording process for a newly signed banned..... He changes the names of persons involved for obvious reasons..... I think you can relate to some of the issues whether you have recorded artists professionally or not...... your 6 weeks behind so you got alotta reading to do, but check it out
That's worth readin' just for a laugh.

This is my favourite bit so far:

“Play please” I say over the talkback.
“What?” the drummer yells, as-if he couldn’t hear me.
“Can you hear me?” I ask. It’s quite possible that he couldn’t hear me, although the talkback volume was way up and I could here a momentary feedback from the delayed dim switch, plus I had heard Lance over the speakers earlier.
“Yeah, I can hear you fine” he responds.
“I want to hear the drums in here, could you play?”
“What song do you want me to play?”

10 seconds go by.

“Are you going to play?” I inquire.
“Do you want me to play now?”
“That would be helpful”
“Which drum do you want me to play?”
“The whole kit!”
“Oh, OK.”

Drummer starts playing, then he stops after barely a measure goes by.

“How long do you want me to play for?” he asks me.
“Until I ask you to stop.”

Drummer starts playing again, then stops after 2 measures this time.

“What?” he yells out.
“I didn’t say anything”. I say.
“Oh, I thought you yelled to stop.”
“No. I want you to play for a while.”

10 seconds goes by.


Drummer starts playing. I’m listening and realize he’s playing a different song.

“Stop!” I yell in the TB, but he doesn’t stop.
“STOP!” I yell louder closer to the TB mic.
“STOP!!!!!! I yell at the top of my lungs directly into the TB mic.
“What?” he replies, with some stupid ass look on his face.
“Yes, could you play the song we discussed?”
“You want me to play it now?”

LOL :rolleyes:
Putz (n) - A destable person; a person with no charm, character, or talent. = moron - prick
Hey Beathoven,

you know who fits this definition....... someone on here....hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm