One man band


New member
Hey All,
Saw a guy that played guitar and sang solo....while the other parts of the song were played through a sequencer, I think. Not sure exactly how it works, but he said that he can download just about and tune he wants into his sequencer and then load into his sequencer and play along. Would someone be so kind as to tell me what one needs to accomplish this and where you would download the sequences for various tunes. I'm clueless when it comes to this stuff. What kind of investment are we talking? Can it be done inexpensively...I'd love to dink around with this...but don't have a clue where to begin. Can anyone set me on the right path....keep it simple. :)

What you saw was a slightly modified version of a Karaoke show, but instead of just singing the performer was playing the guitar too.

Start here. The material you get from this and other linked sites will combine nicely with your soundcards built in GM synth to give you some instant gratification.