On This AT 4047.......


New member
Okay, now apparently i cant find the answer to this question, so dont come in here saying " read the manuel" or anything of the matter, i post this so people who have more experience then me can share the info.

I am a male vocalist...

On this AT 4047, It has a low end option, with a straight line, then a line with an angle....What do these signify? I don't seem to understand the "low end" concept, so can someone please explain to me, and tell me what one i am better off using.


- Ant
It's a bass roll off switch. The angle line is the roll off, the flat line has no roll off.

Most roll offs on mics are set at somewhere around 75 to 100hz. For vocals you should probably use it. It shouldn't affect the sound of your voice.

If you're going to use it on other instruments you may not want to use it.
That would be the bass rolloff switch for keeping rumble and other low end noise from getting to the final track.
Unfortunately not all mics have this excellent feature. Most preamps don't even have have this overlooked feature.