on line mastering?

There's no such thing as "on-line mastering"; there are only people who advertise their mastering services on-line. This can range from a 16-yr-old with a laptop filled with stolen software tinkering in his bedroom on headphones after his parents went to sleep, to a professional mastering engineer with a six-figure mastering suite and listed mastering credentials as long as your sleeve.

How important is your project, really, and how much of a budget do you have? If you're just making a vanity recording of you and your friends playing in the garage that you want to stick on meSpace and hand out to your family and friends, and only have $50 to spend on "mastering", then go with the kid...or better yet, do it yourself and save the $50 for something worth it.

If you're working on a serious project, either trying to make a real indie release album or a serious demo for a record contract or serious radio play, then invest the money it costs to go with a real mastering engineer with a real stiudio and real resume.
