OMS, XP-80,and Cubase 5


New member
I thought I'd wait on the Vst 32 and I went with the Cu5.
My life would be easier if I had the Oms for the Roland XP-80. Where can I get this @#$% thang. I have the text for Xp-10 in the cu5 but nothing for it's daddy keyboard(xp80). What's that all about? I'm looking for another way to get "my" sounds from my Xp-80. Thax
Setting up instuments

I'm a little cooled off now. I finally got the text files for the xp-80 and some expansion boards. Midi problem? I'm getting the same sound on all the tracks in cubase. I put the song on a floppy and dumped it in to Cubase. Nice colors, but I'm getting the same sound for all the tracks/channels.

living like,
I'm so close right now to putting some music down on the cpu but I'm stuck in a midi puzzle. How do I get different sounds for each track. Do I have to disable something. I have local on and everytime I go to a different track in cubase I'm getting the same sound.i.e. piano, instead of bass or strings which I programed for track 2 and 3.

close like,

If i read your messages correctly it seems to me that you may not have set up the linkage between cubase and OMS/XP-80 to be able to select via drop down menu the patches from your xp.
OMS etc

Sorry for the breakup in my posting I seem to be having trouble getting this bbs to work for me today.

I am assuming you have setup your xp-80 to be in your OMS studio setup.

In cubase select from the apple menu bar options>>midi setup>>oms patch names.

Then from the apple menu bar select Names, then select Subscribe and then subscribe to your xp which of course will be located in your system/oms/default folder.

Now back at cubase in the inspector panel you can select by name the patches from a drop down menue ( press hold down mouse ).

You should also refer to your cubase manual regarding using freeze play parameters which will also solve your problem about :

>> and everytime I go to a different track in cubase I'm getting the same sound.i.e. piano,
>> instead of bass or strings which I programed for track 2 and 3.
I tried it out. I go into options and under<< midi setup and<< find system and<<filter. I go into both of them find nothing on OMS. So I look back and I see you did say apple Option menue bar. I got an Ibm pent. 3. It souldn't be that different? I click on patchname and I get the <<set up instruments. Everytime I turn my cpu off I get this<< no device. Hey "W" is there any way I make xp-80 text file a default so that everytime I turn on to record it's there waiting.

up late like,
are you talking PC or MAC ?

You say that " I got an Ibm pent. 3. "


are you talking P.C or MAC ?

Please clarify.

OMS is only for the MAC system.
You are serious aren't you! I have a pc not a mac. I am disappointed that i've wasted a lot of time but that's just the game of technology it's cruel to the ignorant. Hey "w" explain to me why 5.0 has the text files of xp10 and 60 but not the xp80 and is it really neccessary to go down that road. I just want the files that I've saved on disk to simple to transfered to 5.0 with names attached. Do I have to plug all the info. It's not going to keep the sounds of the xp80 anyway just the midi info.
At this point I'm ready to go the long way around the barn. I didn't think it would get that tech.

changing lanes like,

Thanks for the big help on midi. I am not using the oms. I would like to one day though only because there are other text files on the pc version of cu5 or my eyes are going bad. Anyway, off to putting vocals down.

singing like,