OmniRax Studio Desks


New member
aight, so there obviously way overpriced and after much research on the internet (google) for the past few days I can't seem to find a vendor that is competitive in pricing.

Specifically I am interested in the Omnidesk $699 best deal so far, but the others aren't totally off the table either f2 - pro station and even some of the good model Raxxess desks.

Anyway, heres the question, Before I buy one at these prices does anyone no of a link/place I could find one cheaper.
Are you sure the link is good? I've been trying to use this link for 3 wks and can't get in... "Can not view page".
Hey Guys,

I really don't want to build one, I'd rather spend the cake then my time. Anyway, I checked IKEA, but didn't see anything I was interested in. I'll keep searching though.....Thanks
I just purchased a desk for my studio. I got a Raxxess Daytona, which is very similar to the Omirax Coda. Raxxess is discontinuing the Daytona, and I was able to get a fairly good deal on it. However, be prepared to spend and extra $150 to $200 on whatever you get to cover shipping.

I agree that all these desks are way overpriced. I looked EVERYWHERE for cheaper options: IKEA, Office Depot, Staples, copmuter stores, etc etc etc. I could find no acceptable alternative. All the consumer type desks were just too flimsy and full of wierd doo-dads and cubby-holes and shelfs that slide around and hide away, and so forth.

Unfortunatley, that's just the way it is when you're shopping for specialty furnitrue. IF you want something truly taylored to your needs, you have to pony up. Rack spaces? Pony up. Curved monitor shelf, at the correct height? Pony up.

Here's the good news: be thankful you're not shopping for salon furniture. My wife and I just fininshed building her in-home salon, and WOW!! Try pricing shampoo bowl bulkheads and hair stations sometime. Holy Crap!

Voodoo Vibe Productions
I agree that all these desks are way overpriced. I looked EVERYWHERE for cheaper options: IKEA, Office Depot, Staples, copmuter stores, etc etc etc. I could find no acceptable alternative. All the consumer type desks were just too flimsy and full of wierd doo-dads and cubby-holes and shelfs that slide around and hide away, and so forth.

They are overpriced because they're not selling 250 of them worldwide an hour, unlike sauder assemble-it-yourself-with-glue-and-staples bedroom furniture :)

Some of the higher end products that house several consoles are just really nice and use quality hardwoods with excellent staining/coating for protection. Its at least equal to a nice piece of furniture for your living room that you'd pass down to your kids.

needs, you have to pony up. Rack spaces? Pony up. Curved monitor shelf, at the correct height? Pony up.

Make your own racks :) I wish I paid a carpenter to build my console desk, but I'm glad I did the racks myself. They are functional, easy to get at, and were dirt cheap. My console table is finally starting to lean because a construction engineer I am not. I should have built it out of steel like I originally planned and welded it together.

Here's the good news: be thankful you're not shopping for salon furniture. My wife and I just fininshed building her in-home salon, and WOW!! Try pricing shampoo bowl bulkheads and hair stations sometime. Holy Crap!

Its amazing... that stuff is incredibly expensive. A friend of mine purchased a running salon a few years ago complete with clients, equipment, and employees. She said based on the return she wanted, it was LESS EXPENSIVE to buy a running business than to start from scratch considering the capital outlay. Knowing nothing about the business, I smiled and shrugged my shoulders at that time.
I bought a desk from Ikea, that fits my mackie 32 board, with my computer, computer monitor, my monitors perfect. You can also add more shelves to it. and look in there 2002 catalog.