Omni Studio + SB Live same PC same time?


New member
I want to use my current home pc as a scratch pad / idea recorder and to practice using Cubase VST. I'm doind this so that I do not have to drive to a friends house to use our "studio recording gear".

I will be using the M-Audio Omni Studio for the scratch pad / idea stuff with Cubase VST.

I will still surf the web, play games, etc...on this pc, so I would like to keep my SB Live card as well. Is it "generally" OK to have both the M-Audio card and the SB Live card in the pc at the same time? Anyone tried this?

I know I can use the SB Live card to do simple recordings, but I've got the Omni Studio so I might as well use it.

Thanks in advance.
I do, too. At the moment I have the Delta 66 (hooked up to the Omni) for audio, and the Soundblaster Live Value for its midi/SoundFont capabilities. Both cards run into the Omni and it works like a charm!

Good to hear. Now if I can just get the Delta 66 to install in Win2K or XP, I'm set! Hahaha...

Thanks everyone!