Omni studio, or Delta 1010lt?


New member
I really like the Omni I/O box design, and I'm going to want something like this to control the volume of my monitors when I get them. Where I start to wonder is when I look at pictures of the actual sound cards being used.

The omni studio uses the Delta 66, which looks a little better than the AudioPhille 2496, but not as complex as the Delta 1010lt. The Delta 1010lt looks like a far better sound card, and makes the Delta 66 look a bit on the plain side. Simply comparing the price won't work because the Omni studio has extra hardware, so by nature should be more expensive, the Delta 1010lt is just the card itself and some wire connections, so maybe the extra cash is put into a better card design.

Does anyone have an answer or some suggestions? I really dig the external box design, especially one with a monitor volume knob which I'll definitely be needing when I get some studio monitors. Click Here for a close up on the Omni studio card and break out box.
One advantage of the Omni is that you don't have to buy a mixer to go with it. Everything you need is in the Omni including phantom power 2 preamps, an additional 2 inputs on the back, inserts, sends, monitor outs, 2 headphone outs etc etc.
If it could toast my bread I'd be in heaven, hehe j/k. It definitely looks like the better choice for me, but look at the sound card itself. Doesn't the Delta 1010lt card design look much more complex? I just don't want my music sound quality to suffer just so I can have the Omni breakout box.

Omni sound card (Delta 66)
Delta 1010lt

Doesn't the 1010lt card look like it would be better?
Well I can't answer on the quality of the 1010, but I can tell you that there is nothing wrong with the Delta 66 as I used to have one. I don't think the 1010 would necessarily be better as I'm guessing that they probably have the same converters.

With the Delta 66 you have one breakout cable that runs from the omni to the card. It looks like an old serial cable. So ya I guess it doesn't look as complex, but it's less wires !
The Delta 1010 has been great to me so far... the only drag is that there's no mic pres, no, headphone out, and no dedicated monitor out (you have to just use the 1/2 outs at the main monitor outs)
NewbMediaGuy said:
I really like the Omni I/O box design, and I'm going to want something like this to control the volume of my monitors when I get them. Where I start to wonder is when I look at pictures of the actual sound cards being used.

They should be active otherwise you can´t control them through the Omni.
I have the Delta1010LT, it could be a little complex at first, it´s easier if you have a breakout box. Nothing to say about the quality I think both (66 and 1010) have the same converters as Vestast said. I think it all depends on how many ins and outs you need. I´m a drummer and I need enough inputs to record my kit, I´ve been using 4 of the 8 ins, but my plans are add two more mics for toms, the remaining ins should be for bass and DI guitar. :D

Hope that helps

Thanks for the responses, sounds like the Omni studio will be a good buy for me. I do plan on using active monitors by the way, still not sure what brand/model to get, but so far I know I want active, nothing less than 6" woofer, and hopefully somewhere under $800
The Omni is a good product, but what put me off when I was looking to buy, was it only has 2 preamps. You still need more pres for the other 2 analog inputs.
That's why I went for an external mixer (Yamaha MG12/4 $199) which has 6 preamps, phantom power, monitor outs blahblah in front of my Delta 44.

The 1010lt has 2 preamps built in. If it was me, I'd go for the 1010lt, then get a mixer later when more preamps were required