
As far as the song goes, not bad, but the big hook never seems to come.
As far as the mix? Well it sounds very raw to me. The piano could sound alot softer/blendid (not so harsh) IMO via a slight stereo chorus with a hint of comp/verb perhaps. And the vox seem to change levels throughout the entire song, too loud in spots and too quiet in others. I hope I am accurate with my analisys, I am on a fairly decent yet unfamilliar set of speakers at the moment. Good luck.
I'm not on good speakers now, but I like the melody and mood of this song a lot. Reminds me of Ben Folds..."Come back to Omaha~" is a nice hook to me. It does seem to lose its way a little in the last minute or so. Could do with a little lift or solo part for the outro.

Nice tune though.
Thanks for the feedback guys.

I was definitely looking for a way to get the piano to mix a little better. I can't believe I didn't think of chorus. :rolleyes:

I am probably going to redo a few of the vocal punches. I recorded the song 3 hours after writing it and I had rehearsed it until my face hurt :p. So I'll have one with fresh vocals sooner or later.

Thanks again,

Nice tune, James.
Voice reminds of the singer of Styxx, pretty good. Nice harmonies. The one thing that bothered me in the mix is that woozy sound in the background, I don't think that the song benefits from it. You should make a multi-instrument arrangement for this.

Joey :):):):)
Thanks Joey,

I was going for Ben Folds but Styxx works for me :).

This was a pretty basic mix, so I am planning for drums and some guitars.

Thanks for the input, everyone.

It's good & so are the performances.
The thinness of the piano wouldn't seem quite so if there was more backing to fill the space.
Nice song - keep it developing until you're happy enough with it.
Thanks ray,

I have added bass, drums and guitar (pretty much scratch tracks to see how everything will fit) and it sounds fuller. But I am not bringing the other instruments in until after the 1st chorus because I like the effect of just a vocal and keys.

Does anyone have any tips for making midi keys sound more full and realistic?


I think this is a terrific track!

Vocally it works for me. Harmonies are greater.

I even like the chunky piano.

I agree that there is a touch of Ben Folds about it, which is no mean achievement.

As for doing anything else? Well you could add other instruments . . . but you know, I am happy with the song just as it is.

However, I wasn't to sure about the synth thing happenig in the background. I'm guessing that you cloned the midi track and sent it to a VST synth of some sort. It's not a bad idea, but something less boingy and more dreamy might have worked.

In the end, though: One piano, two voices. So simple and very effective!!
I really like the saloon-like piano sound. It does sound raw, but it's cool for this song. I hate the woooopy sound effect thing under the piano. That thing sounds totally stupid. The weird fade-in during the intro is kind of odd, but whatever. The vocals sound good. Definitly Ben Folds-ish. Nice job overall.