OldGrover finally puts up - Please take a listen. Country/folk singer/songwriter


New member
Finally got permission to put up some stuff I'm recording. This is my first take in my new, organized setup... original singer/songwriter (not me). Country/folk

Please let me know what you think.... this isn't a final cast in stone mix, but it certainly is an indication of the direction. I'm going to shutup now and get your opinions before I contaminate them with mine :)

Unfortunately, I shut up before I actually posted the damn url. Only 1 song up so far - this stuff takes huge room, doesn't it?

Well, I'm going to remix the thing anyways in the next coupla days, so if you are bandwidth challenged and only want to download it once, I'll let you know when I get it redone. If you've got a decent connection, though, I'd still like to hear your opinion.