old song

Cool song dude, It reminds me of alot of different styles all wrapped into one...

Kinda like "Emerson, Lake and Palmer" and or "Yes" doing a new age/rock/fusion thing with a bit of "Kansas" orchestration to it...

I like it alot, very nice....
The file size is no problem for me though it can be for those on dial up.

I'm at work on phones and this is the kind of material I love having grown up on progressive music. I'm not even going to try and get through this song on phones cause I want to hear it on my home system. The little I've heard I dig it, I love this kind of music.

Can you provide some details of how it was recorded? Cool stuff!

You still making music?
Ooh, this is cool

I agree, its a blending of styles. I think more of Alan Parsons project mixed with ELO.

Nicely mixed, great playing and the vocals are great. I hope you are still playing.
Kelly5150 - Thanks man. You nailed all our influences! :-)

Therage! - We did this at a home studio, 16 track Tascam, TEC Scorpion desk, he had some high dollar outboard gear (Including the vocal mic), but I didn't pay much attention to that stuff back then. I know I did the clean guitar tracks with my Roland Jazz chorus miced with an SM57, the lead guitar solo was a little Marshall combo on 8, miced with an SM57. The acoustic guitars were an ovation 12 string and a Yamaha classical. There is also a small section with a Roland guitar synth doubling the guitar line before the solo. I was always into getting the most bang for the buck. Ninety percent of the guitar parts on this tune were a single pick-up cheepo Ibanez solid body.

Keys used were a korg dw8000, a Rhodes Chroma, and a Roland piano that the studio owner had. There may be some Micromoog parts in there too.

We mixed and tracked this using NS-10s for the monitoring. He had huge Urei monitors sofit mounted but we only listened to the master on them. This was mixed down to Sony PCM to betamax. Too bad I couldn't get my hands on the master - it would have been great to get a good clean transfer to computer.

Sloop - thank you! Yep, I'm still playing. :-)
Great recording, nice playing. Reminds me of some Yes stuff.

Wow...this is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong.
IT REALLY SUCKS..........that it took 41 minutes to download this tune! Really good stuff man, well done! I do hear the afore-mentioned influences. The one thing that pisses me off is that you remember so much about something that took place in 1988!
I mean.... I know I was breathing back then... I quit playing in 1986 and for the most part, quit drugging then also... residuals are a bitch! Anyway.. glad you're still playing... I have some catchin up to do! The d/l was well worth the wait.

Thank you for the listen guys, I'm sorry that file is so BIG!

Toki - we are no longer together, although we still keep in touch. A few of those guys have gone on to other projects and have had some mild success.

Jake-owa- Steve Howe was a big influence of mine. I don't notice it, but many other people hear it in my playing. :)

bdbd - I'm sorry that took so long man. At least you liked it! Imagine if you thought it stunk? :D