old instrumental funk

Very cool stuff Emeric. Reminds me of old Santana stuff in places. I like the tone of the lead guitar a lot, fits the song great. Tasty playing too, as always.

BTW, is that a typo or do Canadians actually spell "about" the way they pronounce it? :D
Great sound, but more latin than funk....real nice mix and the drum sound worked great 'cept maybe the toms could come up...like Jon X said, early Santana comes to mind and the playing is sweeeeeet.....gibs
Put some more tunes up there man. You rock! Bass drum didnt sound bad compared those dixie cup percussion solos. But maby it was my pc speakers.
Hey guys, thanks for checking it out.

Gibs, yeah latin rock is probably more descriptive, always thought of it as funk for some reason.

JonX, thanks, No I was only kidding with the aboot thing... :)

Kaputo, yeah, I don't know why we put those percussion sounds in there, maybe lower volume would of worked better - they are samples off of a Korg 01W, I guess they sounded good at the time... bit cheezy by todays standards :-). Thanks for the listen.
Nice playing as per usual...Santana came to mind for me too..I like those musical journey tunes..

You forgot to tell Jon X we don't pronounce about,aboot either.... They must be thinking of the Newfie's....:D
There is something to be said about the analog world. You seem to have a nice grasp of it. Is it your prefered method?
Gave this two low level listens and didn't pickup the flattop till I got under the phones - nice. Beefy electric
tones too - we gotta be talkin some kinda miked valve rig.

This is a little different from everything I've heard of yours, and although I'm not huge fan of this style, the guitar playing is really great as usual.

1991? How old would that have made you when you recorded this... late teens? early twenties? It's a really mature sounding song if you get what I mean...
Coda-Co: I don't no where that aboot thing comes, must be Canadian Television, blame Tom Green and SCTV. Thanks for the d/l.

bball jones: I don't have any analog gear anymore (except a cassette deck). If I could find a used 1/2" 8 track cheap, I'd find some use for it.

Cooperman: Yeah, this stuff is a little different - I was right into instrumental stuff at the time. 30 now, so I guess 20 or 21.

Thanks for the listen
killer.....bombom bomboo dadoodlydabombom.....(toetappinfingersnappin)....admirer of the artistic....not much but lernin on the recording issues.....i want it for my car goin down the road.....
bombom bomboo da doodleeda bombom........
Same here E,
All the I analouge I own is a cassette. I guess that means I can record this on my cruisin tape - with your permission of course.
bball jones: sure feel free, glad you like it enough to listen to it more than once.

istyle, thanks for checking it out. Name it lights? heheh.. good one.

Nice playing... definitely very Santana-esque. Beautiful recording as well.

You reminded me that I got a small pile of cassette stuff going back to about 1990 that I need to digitize one of these days... ugh... too many chores lately...

When I first read this post, I thought ya meant after 3 months and a day of recording . I didn't realize that it was done almost 10 years ago.
Wow, Emeric this sounds great. Not to beat a dead horse, but it's very Santana-esque. It's got a lot different feel to it than the other more recent stuff you've posted. Is this Andy, or did you use a different drummer?

Yeah, I guess the percussion sounds are a little weak, but not that bad. I probably wouldn't have thought of it on my own. Overall, I'm impressed with the sophisication of the mix given that it was an 8 track recording.

I love the guitar tone and playing...that's the best part man. It sounds great.
Garger: Another 960 posts and you to can be a Recording Genius... :) Glad you like it, thanks

bball jones: yeah, it's old stuff. Thought I'd post it for the hell of it, either someone hears it and likes or it deteriorates on cassette in a drawer.

Cmiller: Yeah, that's Andy playing on this one. That percussion is pretty bad, if some one want's to lend me an 8 track, i'll remove it. :-)
Emeric, what's up bro. Man, I can't download it. I click on "download" and I get the default IE error page thing. Could be my firewall (shhh. I'm at work right now). I'll try when I get home. Sorry for the late reply to your post.
Got the download (at home now).

Dammit, Emeric... I could never get that good a sound outta my old 8-track analog equipment. I was expecting a dirty quick-archive mix, but it sounded great to me, man... Kick didn't sound too bad. I don't want to rehash what other folks have said here, so...

...as usual, you shred that guitar quite nicely.

Did you play all the parts for this one?