Oktava MK-319 with modification

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Oktava MK-319 flat top Premium with Electronics and basket modification,
has anybody tested one of these mics ?
How would it compare to something like the AT4047?
Here's a quote from Michael Joly of Oktavamod.com: "But these days I would recommend a 319 Standard with PE upgrade. The Premium Electronics really improve detail and lower noise." His response is to an inquiry about using the 319 for VO. There are testimonials on the website about the floating top and flat top differences.

There are quite a few audio samples comparing various mics on his website at Oktavamod
Some people prefer stock Oktava's MK319's over the modded ones - but this may be due more to inconsistencies in manufacturing than in MK319's as a whole.
I feel lucky in getting a 319 that I like the sound of. But reports are that you have to go through a few of them to find one you like.
I recently purchased a 319 from Chessrock....most of you know him as a member of HR.com....anyway....I have not even plugged the mic in yet and I already know that Ill be getting it modded by Mr. Jolly.
tkingen said:
Some people prefer stock Oktava's MK319's over the modded ones - but this may be due more to inconsistencies in manufacturing than in MK319's as a whole.
Where have you heard this? :confused: I haven't read anything but very positive comments about the modded MK-319's
The inconsistency could be the whole Chinese counterfeit issue (Oktava's distributor started making MC-012's and (and I believe, but might be wrong)MK-319's in China to sell to GC)
I have a couple of MK319's and several MC012's.

I love the MC012's, but I can honestly say I have never found a solid use for my MK319's. I even chose a MC012 over the 319 for vocals. I used to use the 319's for drum OH's, but later stopped.

What do you need to record? If you don't have an MC012, I'd think about getting one (or more) of those first.
I have two MK-319's - one with the floating dome PE mod, and the other with no mods. I don't know whether either or both is Chinese - I got them both on ebay. One has a red Oktava logo, and the other one (the modded one) white.

I agree about the lack of consistency. Before I sent the modded one to Mr. Joly, it was horrible - unusable -- there were thunky pops with vocals, and it generally sounded crappy, lending an unwholesome harmonic distortion that sort of sounded like a cheap horror movie (I know that may have applications, but I don't have any projects like that right now).

The unmodded one was servicable from the beginning, but vocals still sounded kind of thin. When I got the modded one back, it was totally different - no gratuitous popping, utterly quiet (weird how you don't notice how much noise your other mics make until you hear a really quiet one - kind of sucks, really), and a very full and pleasing sound with good harmonics. My voice is still quite bad, unfortunately, but at least now that's the only suckage in the recordings. I have yet to try it out on a real singer. I also plan to use it for recording samples of various things around the house.

I'm still using a pair of SM81s for acoustic guitar, because the sound is dreamier, but the Oktavamod certainly has a claim for recording tracks that sound a *lot* like the guitar itself.

About the only drawback is that I'm now afraid to drop it, because it sounds so good, and that floating dome doesn't have much support (Joly warns about this in the mod description) - it feels sturdy enough, but I'd hate to dent it -- just have to be careful. Sorry that I have only subjective information -- I'm pretty much a novice when it comes to recording (I have been a musician with a decent amount of studio experience for a couple decades, though).
kojdogg said:
Where have you heard this? :confused: I haven't read anything but very positive comments about the modded MK-319's
The inconsistency could be the whole Chinese counterfeit issue (Oktava's distributor started making MC-012's and (and I believe, but might be wrong)MK-319's in China to sell to GC)

You're right - most reports say the mods are good improvements. On this board I've read one post that said they liked it better stock - and one that said the mod made a difference but he didn't consider it better or worse than stock - just different. But that's only two posts out of a couple hundred?

Personally, I like the stock one that I have but can't say what others sound like - modded or unmodded. It sounds thick and detailed on my voice and only cost $50.00 new. It provides a different color than my other LDC's - a KSM44, C414 and TLM103. But this thread is making me want a modded MK319, too!
can't speak for the mod..but I have an mk319. when compared to better mics my *opinion* is that it sounds good but has bad qualities, mostly distortion in the upper range. Not horrible distortion like mentioned above...although I have experienced that and was able to remedy it with the pad, but just a general graininess in general was what I noticed when A/B'ing with better mics. its too bad because I really like the 'sound' of it but the slight distortion (graininess in the upper frequencies) made it a deal breaker. Hopefully the mod fixes that.
leddy said:
I have a couple of MK319's and several MC012's.

I love the MC012's, but I can honestly say I have never found a solid use for my MK319's. I even chose a MC012 over the 319 for vocals. I used to use the 319's for drum OH's, but later stopped.

What do you need to record? If you don't have an MC012, I'd think about getting one (or more) of those first.

Are your MK319 modded?
I have ordered a Matched Pair of MK-012 with six capsules, they should arrive soon,
the reason I ask about the AT4047 is I'm thinking of selling mine, and getting the
Oktava MK-319 flat top with PE upgrade and a MK-102 capsule.

So the MK-319 would have to replace the AT4047 for vocal recording mostly,
what I would like to now is would this be a step up or down?
I have a 319 I got from Taylor Johnson at The Sound Room. No mods and I paid twice the going rate of the Guitar Satan ones. It's my go to mic for vocals. I also have a 4047, AM-52, AT4033's(not LDC's, I know), C-3000B, etc, to compare against. I like my 319. The mods sound very interesting but I wise man taught me many years ago, "If you have a hard on and you want to keep it, don't fuck with it". :D
MichaelJoly said:
I'm in Springfield, Mass. Oktava-Online in Germany sells new Oktava mics I've modified into the EU market.

btw - I invite anyone who prefers the sound of their stock Oktava to listen to the before / after mod samples here: http://www.oktavamod.com/audio.html
and read a few user comments here: http://www.oktavamod.com/testimonials.html

Hi Michael,

Wow, the comparison clips sound fantastic. Do you have a list or website with domestic pricing?
Ty said:
Are your MK319 modded?
I have ordered a Matched Pair of MK-012 with six capsules, they should arrive soon,
the reason I ask about the AT4047 is I'm thinking of selling mine, and getting the
Oktava MK-319 flat top with PE upgrade and a MK-102 capsule.

So the MK-319 would have to replace the AT4047 for vocal recording mostly,
what I would like to now is would this be a step up or down?

Sorry, to clarify: Mine are NOT modded.
Resurrecting an old thread here.

I picked up a used 319 a while back (off the Gearslutz 2nd Hand board). It wasn't a bad sounding mic to begin with. Couldn't resist the Oktavamod sale, though, and sent it off for the PE/Floating Dome upgrade. Found Michael and Meryl a pleasure to deal with.

A bad cold kept me from trying it out for a while, but I ran a few scratch tracks through it tonight, and I'm very pleased. As I said, the unmodded mic wasn't bad at all -- certainly worth the $100 I paid for it. But, the modded mic is noticably quiter, and cleaner on the high end. Before it definately had a bit of high-end razz going on... but now it is smooth and tight. I'm very pleased.:D
Another update here.

Did a session with the modded 319 last night... recording a vocalist/harmonica player.

He's a bandmate, and I've recorded him a lot over the past few years. He's a very talented vocalist, with a deep barritone kind of voice. I've used a lot of mics on him, usually going with a Rode NT-1, which seemed to add some nice high end to his otherwise deep voice.

I was eager to try the 319 on him, but was afraid that the "Dark" rep of the Modded 319 might be a little too much for his particular sound. We cut a few tracks of a tune, then sat back to listen. What we got were very rich, detailed vocals. A very big sound. The high end was also pleasing. Not hyped at all -- smooth.

And, the harmonica (recorded acoustically) also came through beautifully. Again, the smoothness of the high end of the mic really came through... taming the tendency of the harmonica to be harsh.

As you can see from my last post I was already happy with the Modded 319... now I'm even more so.:D::
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I'm looking for an MK-219 or MK-319 original capsule (same capsule) to fix my MK-219 microphone.

Some people mod this mics a lot and change the original capsule and might have a spare one to sell.

If you have one of this capsules please let me know

Thank you so much
Best regards

I think you might get a better response by making a single post that you are looking for the capsule in a new topic, vs dredging up 10 and 15 yr old dead posts.