Okay,so how do you do this...

:mad: OK, this is weird....................I opened the console view. What I ended up with was a pop-up window, in which some evil looking, gnome-like creature began taunting me.:eek: He kept saying things like, "Be a real man, Ed", and "What's the problem, newbie, can't ya mix in the track view like everyone else?" I got so rattled, I shut off my computer!! I know you guys are saying the console view wasn't necessary, but for God's sake, why didn't anyone mention that it was pure evil??? Jeesh!

Naaaw, I think you misunderstood the creature. It said "You are a newbie, so you have to mix in the Track View..."

guitar ed said:
...in which some evil looking, gnome-like creature began taunting me.:eek: He kept saying things like, "Be a real man, Ed", and "What's the problem, newbie, can't ya mix in the track view like everyone else?"

Behave, Ed...
We all know how The Almighty Dachay2tnr look like. You don't have to describe it here :D. He's silky hearted smart creature anyway, he's just trapped in... :rolleyes: you know...

:D :D :D