Ok...We joined...don't all attack at once..ok?

Here is a CAD drawing of just the bridge. No console. This was a study of the pivot geometry to fabricate the parts in the pics above.


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Rick's studio

Well....I for one know that when Rick builds something....it's done right!! You guys should see some of the work he does at the woodshop where he works. Rick is an outstanding Craftsman. I am a hobbyist woodworker and he has always inspired me. I traded him the Ampex 440 for a Pioneer 909 and some other stuff. I just didnt have any more room. I will NEVER part with my Ampex 351- 2 track tho. That is a sweetie. I will be totally honest with you guys....my favorite tape to use on the 351-2 is brand new old stock Ampex 632. It is an outstanding general recording tape. No sticky shed, no prblems whatsoever. We were fortunate to find many cases of it that had been stored in a dry Texas warehouse. This stuff is absolutely like new! Yes...we are selling some of it on Ebay and on our website but please understand that we do not sell anything that we wouldnt buy for ourselves. AND...we always offer the customer "complete satisfaction" or a refund. Anyway, if you're interested let me know. At $9.95 per pancake it's a great deal.

Splicit said:
I traded him the Ampex 440 for a Pioneer 909 and some other stuff. I just didnt have any more room. I will NEVER part with my Ampex 351- 2 track tho. That is a sweetie. I will be totally honest with you guys....my favorite tape to use on the 351-2 is brand new old stock Ampex 632. It is an outstanding general recording tape. No sticky shed, no prblems whatsoever.

Yup, the 600 series Ampex / Quantegy never went bad. They're red and brown oxide formulas, I believe, which were intruduced in the 50's / early 60's ? :confused: Great for getting that vintage James Brown sound. :D

Btw, why would you trade an Ampex 440 for a Pioneer 909 ?.... just doesn't seem right... :(
Why I traded the 440....

Actually, I traded the 440 to Rick for a Pioneer 909 (which would fit in my upright 19" rack). I was out of room for any more big decks....already had the 351-2 in the room and 9 other consumer decks. Besides, Rick agreed to build us a beautiful 8' tall bookcase which has since turned into a corner hutch. Im not worried about him getting it done. I know it'll happen someday. Besides...I like Rick a lot and he can use the 440. I really didnt need it. Nice machine tho. You could always do what I did in the first place...call radio staions and just ask them if they have any retired analog equipment that they want to part with. A lot of times you'll get it for very little or even no money. Like my Dad always told me, " You never know unless you ask".

www.splicit.com :)
Splicit said:
You could always do what I did in the first place...call radio staions and just ask them if they have any retired analog equipment that they want to part with. A lot of times you'll get it for very little or even no money. Like my Dad always told me, " You never know unless you ask".

That's actually a great idea and I think I'll do just that. Thanks! :)