my friend found a '64 Vibroverb at a Chicago yard sale. $75 this wasnt a reissue. Im still jealous to this day.
Osaka and foo you have both made me very jealous - but I did manage a '63 strat for $40 more than what Osaka paid. Unfortunately, I only had it a little while, as it was stolen a few months into ownership.
I bought a Moog Source from a friend in mint condition for $200. I sold it on Ebay for $760. I kind of wish I had kept it but I have analog synths I like much better. I like old Oberheims and Rolands better.

I sold my Yamaha SPX-90 for $160 because I wanted a new Lexicon. However, I regret selling it because now I really miss some of the cool special effects it had. Really usable stuff.
About 15 years ago a friend of a friend of a...lent me an Arp Axxe and an Arp Little Brother to mess with. Said he had picked them up at a garage sale for $25.00. Well, within about 3 months I lost all connections to the guy (people divorcing and moving, etc...lotta hate in there...)
Now I have them and I see the Axxe for $350.00 ( though mine needs some repair ) and the Little Brother for around $400.00.

Really, I should try to track him down...can't remember his name...knew his sister in law's brother's something...okay, I'm beginning to feel guilty...
I had a run of the fifty dollar specials.

1963 Telecaster with a "Fender" bigsby tailpiece.

1968 Maunuel Contreres classical, handmande, indian rosewood sides / back, red / rosewood purfling and binding, spanish pine top, hsc.

Mid- 70s Alvarez - Yairi D-18 style dreadnaught, w/hsc. May not have been a deal; the case had fleas. We all had fleas.

And a ten dollar special - Goya classical in a hard shell case. Gave the Goya away, kept my Gibson in the case.

Did I mention the Gibson? 1959 LG-2 acoustic. It was a gift. A real sleeper. Ask Gibs; he knows.
Right on,foo..........even though it isn't the '70s-'90s anymore,there are still alot of good deals out there.A girl came to where I work the other day with a horribly worn out Fender tweed case;she asked me, "Can you give me an idea of what this is worth?" You know the old salivation glands were trying to work overtime.Turns out the guitar inside didn't match the case vintage,but it was a '70 tele in custom color red (factory issue).She almost sold it to us for around $175,but decided to wait until her dad okayed it.Sorry,bball jones about your strat.We do have to remember that there are thieves out there,like the ones who stole a friend of mine's '64 Firebird,only to try and sell it for $50 to buy drugs-------fortunately,he got caught.
Just in case you guys think I still have all of that stuff (and more!)

It's how I financed the down payment on my house.


(Okay, I did keep the Strat - it's a very yellowed white with a shell guard and sounds great)

The Daddy's sales are not very often, and we can all hope they have one again. They had flyers in all their stores, and some people got an invitation in the mail (got to go a day early).

... and the winner of the Grammy for 'Best Deal' is...

Treeline, for a $50 1963 Telecaster!!!!


best value for money...

...is my polish 12-string semi-acoustic. I got it for free, as a gift. My friend that gave it to me said it cost $50. Yeah, sure, it's barely playable, but DAMN, it looks good!

Or whatabout one basket of picks for a buck?

Or a governmentally subsidised austrian built bass, for $100?

Poland was a cheap country when it was communistic... The guy that bought all this sais that they diod NOT look happy when he bough all the picks the store had... :)
I remember once I was sitting down playing my custom made Maton acoustic.I was filling in time waiting for a lift.
I heard the car horn beep so I ran up the stairs to put my guitar away and slipped and broke my big toe and landed on my guitar.I bent the neck and pot a dent in the body.
The guitar was out of warranty by the way.

I rang maton up and told 'em My neck had bent and I told them I gave it a good knock also.They said send it down and they replaced it! Honesty sometimes works I guess.:D