Ok, Lets try this one More Time


New member
Hey guys/ladies

I think this is my 3rd time making a thread ...i made 2 in newbies but its not showing up....but here it goes

I am going from an alesis6trackusb mixer, to a digi002 factory bundle

I wanted to hear your input on the digi002

Also i have a studio mxl 2003 microphone, looking to upgrade that, just dont know what to get (400 $ and under)

So post your suggestions for me

Also i would like to know if its hard to install a fire wire port?
also is it necessary to have good headphones? i mean i have big radio shack ones...what benefit do i get of buying a pair that costs 100-200 $ ?
Headphones: Useful for tracking and checknig mixes, but do you ahve rel monitors? You don't want to mix with headphones or they will misrepresent your mixes.

Mic: Yeah you have lots of room towork with to add on to your mic collection. I hear the 2003 is not bad, but it doens't exactly get overwhleming reccomendantions.

What kind of stuff are you recording? What is your room like?

If you don't have a great sounding room, i like to push the LDDs like the EV RE20/27 (i have the RE27 and it sounds great on vocals, kick, and several other things situationally) or the SM7 (well loved around here). Since they are dynamics they have a tendancy to pick up less of the crap bouncing around a tricky room and both give some pretty nice recordings.

For LDC there are a million in that price range that would be nice, but people can give you lots of good feedback in the mic forum with some more info about your sources, etc.
i dont have monitors

so u suggest mixing with monitors? so i shall buy monitors today!

what do u reccomend? 200-300 price range please lol
You definitely need monitors.

I use a Digi 002R and like it.

A good inexpensive microphone is the AT-4040.

Just some random opinions...
im not getting the rack, im gettin the other one the factory bundle

im going frm a alesiis6usb mixer, to that, is it hard to learn?
brooklyn23 said:
im not getting the rack, im gettin the other one the factory bundle im going frm a alesiis6usb mixer, to that, is it hard to learn?
Depends on what you mean by 'hard'.

It's hard to learn to make professional sounding recordings on any piece of equipment.

If you're this unsure about it you probably need to study more and make sure you're going to be making a big investment in the right piece of gear.
