OK guys.... here we go again: which LDC?

was that the summer of '69?

I put up an mp3 using an AT4040 for vocals (and 4033 for guitar) in the mp3 clinic ("Hey Good Lookin'" by Hank Williams) - if you listen to it and, um, still want a dry track, PM me, so others won't have to be exposed. :D

Nope... that was the summer I got m' furst reel sixx-string, I bawtit at th' 5-an-dime... :p

and if'n yew git reel board, yew kin put upa solo trakk..... I whoant arguew wiff yew... no biggee deal Mr Chef... I luv me some Hank now, I'll jus tel ye.

Peace! :D
