Oh-So-Important NT1 Tip


...you wuz robbed. Now doggytrot back to that store and *demand* your manual which absolutely does not state that the gold dot should be facing the sound source. Then you'll have the same lack of information as the rest of us.
Giggling Rodent

You guys are great. I laughed my hiney off reading this thread.
Anybody have any experiance with the Rode NTV? They must be closing them out, because I picked one up at GC, brand new, with nice aluminum case, shock mount, hard mount, 30' cable & tube power supply for $450. I thought there must be something wrong with it, but it works perfectly. I'm totally impressed. This thing is smoooooth with a shimmery top end. The down side is, no pad switch and only one pattern, but a tube mic for that price, I'm not whining. Oh, and it took me a few minutes, but I was able to discern what the gold dot meant;)
BTW, I'm new to this forum.
Reading this thread was what made me decide to sign up.
Talk to ya'll later

Gold dot

I bought an NT 1 yesterday at GC. The salesman told me the gold dot was the front. My Octava 319 also has a dot marking the front of the mic. My NT 1 manual says nothing about the dot though, I have read it 4 times very carefully. You'd think a person would deduce that the dot is some kinda indicator, but i had my Octava backwards the first time I tried it too... I never saw the dot ,hahaha...duh!
Well..... maybe I didn't see that the gold dot = the front rule in the manual but I remember reading it somewhere..... I don't remeber where(and no it wasn't in this forum =P )
I looked for my manual and itz with my mackie manual last I remember..... which I can't find..... arg.... down 2 manuals

boy I got hell for that response.... hehehehhe
and omg...... I just noticed almost 600 people have seen this page..... me feel dummmmmmb

Maybe the RodeNT's with the BIG logo going down the front will be collectors items some day... Funny how the absense of a logo allowed Event to come down in the price by over $100. (I guess it is hard work trying to screen a print on a writhing rodent! :D)

It isn't in my manual which came with the NT-1, but I just assumed the gold dot would be the front. I've noticed that all the other side-fire large condensors I've come across usually have the logo on the front. Anyway, it takes all of 10 secs to discover which side is which...

- Wil

Oh, by the way - reading the manual has always been considered a sign of weakness, and a lack of the pioneering spirit which has made America what it is today... er, um, if you know what I mean... :>
really....if people are still struggling with which is the front of a side address microphone (which btw the NT1 has about the most horrid off axis response I have heard in a condensor)...maybe being a librarian would be more suitable as it isn't so demanding on the ears.
I had a beer /keg party 2 weekends ago and me and some of my musician buddies set up and played.I taped it useing a rodent1 and tascam 234.since it was my party and I was doing so many thingsI figured I would place the nt1 in front of the drums for simplicitys sake,with the dot facing the drummer. That mic is so good it picked up everything almost as good as my other mics to their respected channels that were in front of guitar cabs,the direct line in for the vocals ect.I could of and maybe should of just used the nt1 and slapped it two all 4 tracks in itself..Great mic for 200.00