OGG/MP3 multitrack recorder

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OGG/MP3 multitrack recorder software

Hi, I'm looking for a DAW to record compressed tracks (ogg, mp3, etc). There are tools - like Kristal, etc - that support compressed formats but they create wav files on recording and you need to convert each track manually. I can't believe none exists, help me :eek:
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Not what I want, I am looking for a software like Cakewalk Sonar, Audacity, Cool Edit, Cubase, Logic, Digital Orchestrator Pro, etc. To record and handle compressed tracks :(

«I was always a big fan of Justin Frankel the creator of the most famous mp3 player Winamp. After he left AOL I didnt read much about his whereabouts. Now I checked and surprised to see a cool software being released by him. REAPER is a powerful Windows application for multitrack recording and editing of audio (...)» (http://imthi.com/blog/software/multitrack-recording-mixer-for-windows.php)

In File > Project Settings > Recording you can choose the following formats: WAV, AIFF, Monkey's Audio, FLAC, MP3, OGG, Video (GIF), WavPack. It works!

nb: you must purchase a license
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