'off axis' monitors


New member
Can anyone explain what it means when a monitor is 'off axis'?
I've seen the term alot and always assumed it meant when a monitor is used horizontally.

Anyway, Is it 'bad' to use a monitor horizontally when its meant for verticle placement?

I bought some event 20/20 passives about 9 months ago.. & I gotta say, they hurt my ears! I have ns10's that I love, but I wanted to see if I could get some more bottom in my system as well as have another set of monitors for reference.. ANyway.. I opted for the events & at 1st I though they were out of phase.. But they werent.. They just sounded bad. I recently moved & havent even unpacked them yet, when I do I'll try em vertically.. Will that make any difference?

Any feedback is much appreciated!

I re-read my post to double check.. But I didnt even say anything about 'harsh'.. I said in comparison, "They just sounded bad. ".

Again though.. I'm wondering if axis placement is an issue.

Does anyone know? Have you done comparisons with speakers oriented vertically and horizontally? Or is it not an issue at all?

But I wouldnt call my ns10s harsh by a long shot.
Re: hmmm

But I wouldnt call my ns10s harsh by a long shot.
Then you're the first I've ever heard say that..... even devoted NS-10 fans recognize that one of the characteristics of the NS-10s is the harshness.

And the fact that you find 20/20s "harsh" *is* strange -- the 20/20s are extremely smooth.... too smooth for my tastes.... I like KRK V8s - which many also find somewhat harsh.

And being on or off-axis would change the imaging, not so much the sound characteristic of a monitor (unless you place them behind a wall or something!)
How good is the speaker selector?

Cheap junk from Radio Shack will not handle a lot of power, possibly causing issues.

What kind of amp?
How good is the speaker selector?

Cheap junk from Radio Shack will not handle a lot of power, possibly causing issues.

What kind of amp?
I think what is meant by off-axis is.....

I think what is meant by off-axis, is the speakers placement in relation to your ears. Where one side of the stereo image seems more dominant. This can happen from various things such as reflection from near by walls or obstructions from equipment in the path of the sound waves(comb-filtering) or as simple as one of the speakers being closer to you then the other.

Now about monitors sounding different when layed down instead of vertical? I can't see that changing the sound much unless other obstructions come into play or obstructions that where once present are not when the position was changed or as Blue Bear said "unless you place them behind a wall or something!"

As to this being a bad thing? You can be the judge of that. I seem to think so. :D

Hope this helps,

no they aint behind a wall.. hehe..

The selector is from monster.. & the amp is an alesis ra150.
I finally found some info on verticle placement vs horzontal with the 2020s in a mix mag. article.. I guess thats not the problem..

But they sounded out of phase.. Badly.. But they werent.
They WERE next to a flat panel monitor.. But thats more likely to cause issues with the screen, not the speakers.. RIGHT? ? Or wrong?? Theyre supposed to be shielded, but I could still see some minimal interference on the screen from the magnet..

PS: Thanks for the replys.